Last winter, I biked at least 10 miles everyday. From the home office to coffee shops and client meetings. Only missed 2 days due to awful weather. This winter, traveling to my clients wasn’t as convenient. Both my road and mountain bikes gathered dust all winter. This week, just in time for spring, I got …
Author Archives: Garrick van Buren
Fake Data to See if Anyone’s Paying Attention
When putting together a prototype for usability testing, it’s best to use realistic data. If you’re evaluating the readability of a search results screen, put in the actual results. If you’re evaluating a check-out process, make all the information throughout the entire process real. Then, after, tweak the data just slightly. Make it humorous, make …
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Blogging for Business
(originally published at Jim Cuene noticed Forrester has finally followed Jupiter Research into using weblogs to increase their analysts’ reputations and GoogleJuice. I agree with 2.5 of Jim’s 3 suggestions for both Forrester and Jupiter. ‘Go out on a Limb’ and ‘Allow Comments’, both of these reinforce the ‘your readers know more than you’ …
Real Value vs. Useless Veneer
Doc Searles comments that expensive hotels aren’t offering valuable amenities to their guests. Reminds me of my previous thoughts on how Hotels could improve the guest experience: If a Sign is Needed, Something is Wrong. Cost of Stolen Towels Comes Out of Marketing Budget
Winter Blanket at Triple Rock on Mar 25
If you enjoyed First Crack #12. The Winter Blanket at Marysburg Books and will be in Minneapolis on Friday night (Mar. 25), head over the Triple Rock Social Club. The Winter Blanket will be playing 2 shows with Mark Mallman and Melodious Owl. All ages @ 5pm, 21+ at 10pm.
The Object-Oriented Thought Process
On my way to better understand object-oriented programming (t d) and thereby check “Learn enough Objective-C to be dangerous” off my ThingsToDo list, I picked up The Object-Oriented Thought Process by Matt Weisfeld. Not having formal training in software engineering, I found the book’s focus on the language-agnostic basics of OO extremely helpful. Here’s what …
Phone Battery Dead No More
For a couple weeks straight, I kept forgetting to charge my phone overnight. A single charge is only good for a couple days, so I was stuck with a useless phone more than I’d like. With my addiction to BluePhoneElite, not having my T610 charged is like not having a phone at all. One day …
Introducing Tag Maker for MarsEdit
I’m a big fan of MarsEdit, I use it for all my weblog posting. The other day, I was wondering about making any arbitrary text a Technorati Tag. The result was the Tag Maker Applescript for MarsEdit. It takes any selected text and appends a ‘(t)’ to it linking to the corresponding tag at Technorati, …
An Unexpected Yak Shaving
One of the bathtub faucets has leaked for a couple weeks. Monday, I could no longer ignore it. That same day, Seth Godin introduced me to Yak Shaving. yak shaving: Any seemingly pointless activity which is actually necessary to solve a problem which solves a problem which, several levels of recursion later, solves the real …
Are Newspapers in the News Business or Fish-wrap Business?
Doc Searls: “If your paper is worth so much (and it is), and you want to charge for it, how about charging for fresh news, and giving away the stale stuff?” The ‘more-for-new-less-for-old’ model is a good one. Let’s take a look a couple industries where it seems to work well: Movies If Jen and …
Continue reading “Are Newspapers in the News Business or Fish-wrap Business?”