Blogging for Business

(originally published at Jim Cuene noticed Forrester has finally followed Jupiter Research into using weblogs to increase their analysts’ reputations and GoogleJuice. I agree with 2.5 of Jim’s 3 suggestions for both Forrester and Jupiter. ‘Go out on a Limb’ and ‘Allow Comments’, both of these reinforce the ‘your readers know more than you’ …

The Object-Oriented Thought Process

On my way to better understand object-oriented programming (t d) and thereby check “Learn enough Objective-C to be dangerous” off my ThingsToDo list, I picked up The Object-Oriented Thought Process by Matt Weisfeld. Not having formal training in software engineering, I found the book’s focus on the language-agnostic basics of OO extremely helpful. Here’s what …

An Unexpected Yak Shaving

One of the bathtub faucets has leaked for a couple weeks. Monday, I could no longer ignore it. That same day, Seth Godin introduced me to Yak Shaving. yak shaving: Any seemingly pointless activity which is actually necessary to solve a problem which solves a problem which, several levels of recursion later, solves the real …

Are Newspapers in the News Business or Fish-wrap Business?

Doc Searls: “If your paper is worth so much (and it is), and you want to charge for it, how about charging for fresh news, and giving away the stale stuff?” The ‘more-for-new-less-for-old’ model is a good one. Let’s take a look a couple industries where it seems to work well: Movies If Jen and …

First Crack 31. The Wine Episode with Tim Elliott

Tim Elliott, from, and I met at Bev’s Wine Bar and talked wine, coffee, and technology. Links mentioned: WordPress Plugins; WP-iCal & WP-CaTT Bev’s Wine Bar (CityPage Review) Haskells, The Wine People Surdyks, Liquor and Gourmet Cheese Shop Coffee Geek Reviews of the Philips Senseo Designing Disney’s Theme Parks : The Architecture of …