What’s My Next Telephone?

My mobile phone is starting to show it’s age. More sketchy connections, increased static and general inability to hear the other person on the line. All independent of who I’m talking with or whether I’m on T-Mobile’s GSM network or a WiFi network. All making me more unhappy with a device that increasingly feels like …

Creating More Work For Ourselves

“[Luis von Ahn – inventor of the captcha] says that about 200M captchas are typed every day. He was proud of that until he realized it takes about 10 seconds to type them, so his invention is wasting 500,000 hours per day.”- David Weinberger I wonder if Samuel Segal feels similarily.

Fontue Font Optimization Workflow – Open Sourced

With the Fontue web font server open sourced, I’ve done the same for the workflow scripts I use to to generate the fonts for @font-face use. It’s a pair of scripts that pipe fonts in and out of other conversion programs like FontForge, sfnt2woff, Batik, and EOTFast. Along the way, doing a little clean up …

Kernest’s Web Font Serving Engine – Fontue – Now Open Source

I’ve talked to a number of people and organizations that want to start adding web fonts to their websites – but aren’t comfortable relying on a third-party service for something so integral to their online presence. With that in mind, I’m pleased to announced that Kernest‘s underlying web font serving engine – dubbed Fontue – …

An iPad App I’d Like to See – Shorthand

Inputing anything on the iPad more complex than – ‘I want that’ – is frustrating, even moreso with the keyboard. The thought of taking notes on the iPad during meetings is still ridiculous. And I started wondering how people quickly took notes before we all became such proficient touch typists. The idea of a single …

A Message on the Space Telephone Answering Machine

Dave Slusher’s clambake from April 6 2009 accompanied me on my between meeting drives today. Yes, you read that correct – 2009. A podcast he recorded more than a year ago. It’s a great listen. He discusses how the people publishing to services like Twitter don’t own their own words. The company does. And the …


“But imagine an incident far more disruptive and deadly when we really needed to move masses of people quickly. The major transportation and travel institutions that would do the mass movement of people seem to be woefully unprepared and unable to scale up quickly” – David Weinberger Ironic given the internet’s origins as a national …