Pragmatic Programmers eBooks now in Kindle Format

I’m a big fan of buying Pragmatic Programmers books with their the accompanying PDF. Yesterday, I popped over to their site to check for updates and noticed they’ve added .epub and .mobi (Kindle) to their electronic publication format options. Such a huge win, thanks to everyone at Prag Prog that made this possible. Now, perhaps …

RE07.US Update: Expiring URL & Widgets

RE07.US continues to make me smile. Last night’s update added a couple neat things; URLs now auto-expire after 5 minutes, yes, there’s also a timer. Usage data; referer, user agent, etc is now being captured. and finally, I’m testing out the RE07.US javascript widget for displaying the RE07.US link on your blog. I’ve got some …

Twin Cities Co-Working Conversation Re-Ignited

UPDATE 27 May 2009 New url for this effort: Earlier this week, I had a fairly thorough conversation with a St. Paul-based serial entrepreneur exploring starting a co-working business. I’ve been writing about the “co-working” / “work club” concept off and on for a while now (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Bonus) and …