– A Shareable Reading List for Each of Your Interests

We all have different facets of our personality – if only work and family. The things that are relevant and interesting for work are off-topic for family. It’s an national election year, so I bet a you’re tracking politics more closely than other years. Again, a separate facet or mindset. Sometimes distinct from the other … – You Already Have An Account

If you’ve spent significant time online, you have pile of names and passwords. Typically, one per domain, sometimes, it’s more than that. Each web service assuming it’s so god damn important in your life that it deserves a special password one more unmemorable than the next. Highly rude, impolite, an unnecessary. Especially today when so … – Read, Write, and Get Out of the Way

Last night, I pulled the ‘secret knock’ off To me, that means it’s stable and reliable enough to use as a primary feed reader and I know a few people that have left their previous reader. “Cullect is one application that gets out of my way and lets me do what I came do, …

Sharing is Caring

Like yourself, I travel in a number of personal and professional circles; dad’s open gym night, neighbors, this project team, that project team, peers via podcasting, peers through information architecture, peers through visual design, etc. Each circle has different values and finds different things relevant. The chances of something I find interesting being relevant to …

Ask Not What Twitter Can Do For You

After playing around with Twitter for nearly a year, I’ve come to an understanding with it. The less Twitter does, the better. In reviewing Jeremiah Owyang’s Twitter Wish List, I only agree with #2, a white-labeled Twitter for workgroup/company use. If Twitter doesn’t want that market, that’s cool. I know of at least 1 company … – “takes the web2 out of feed readers and I love it.”

Arik Jones, one of the people I’ve asked to try for a week, wrote up his thoughts two-days in: “Unlike Google Reader it doesn’t inundate you with useless UI elements….What I like the most about Cullect is the ability to recommend feeds and then being able to give friends a dead simple url. It …