Category: Listing

2701 31st Ave NE St Anthony Village has an MLS Number

The house is on the MLS now – #3152250. Woo hoo. I see this house being perfect for 3 different people: Single people (even with kids)It’s a small place, easy to maintain, with lots of storage. Easy access to downtown and the highways with a huge lot for gardening and landscaping. DINKs or DIPsJust the […]

We’re Selling Our House in St. Anthony Village, MN

We’re starting the listing at $189,900 and if you’re interested drop Sam a line. This place just isn’t big enough for the 3 of us. So, we’re moving on. If you’ve followed this blog, you’ll know the backyard is great for watching movies off the laptop and recording podcasts. Bamboo flooring on the first floor, […]