Garrick Talking to MACTA About Podcasting

Oh, sorry I forgot to tell you, in just about 9 hours I’ll be speaking on a panel at the Minnesota Association of Community Telecommunications Administrators‘ annual conference. General Session – IP Enabled Services “The internet has catapulted a plethora of innovations in communications. It will continue to be an exciting ride both in technology …

Podcasting the MIMA Summit 2005

Next Wednesday, October 26th, Working Pathways will be podcasting the Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association 2005 Summit. As always, I expect it to be one of the best interactive conferences of the year. Lots of great, practical, conversations; including Laurie Blum from Best Buy and Shar Vanboskrik from Forrester. If you’re there, stop by and introduce …

Support Your Podcast By Encouraging Listeners to Unsubscribe

It’s Wednesday and I’ve already had 3 conversations this week on advertising in podcasts or somehow monetizing podcasts to support thousands of thousands of podcasts listeners. If a podcast is so popular that it’s running out of bandwidth on a regular basis, there’s a really good chance the vast majority aren’t listening – even though …

Print Publication Says Podcasting Is a Horseless Carriage

I like to thank Steve at Micro Persuasion for pointing out MacWorld’s sensational “Is the Clock ticking on podcasting” rant. As usual, the Jennifer Berger only listened to radio ported to podcasting (KCRW, Inside Mac Radio). These are good listens, but they are not where podcasting’s future lives. They are not even an example of …

What Podcast Really Stands for

Aside from sounding cool, “podcasting” is a combination of ‘ipod’ and ‘broadcast’ To deflect the impression that ‘podcasting’ requires an iPod (it doesn’t). Doc Searls has recommended the name stands for; “Personal Option Digital ‘casting” Others have suggested “Personal On-Demand ‘Casting” Both are fine backronyms, though I prefer CyborgName’s response:

An Evil Genius With the Personal Touch

I received my Evil Genius stuff package from Dave Slusher today. If you’re not familiar, Dave’s selling the Gentle Readers’ HiHoney and EGC t-shirts to support both his podcast and the band. This month, he’s donating $25 of the $35 to the Red Cross. How could you not support that. Opening up the package; yes, …

Why Use Copyrighted Music in a Podcast?

Since I started podcasting nearly a year ago, there’s always been the question of how best to include music in a podcast. Personally, I’ve found it adds too much production time and I frequently fast-forward over songs in other podcasts anyway. The CARP license that destroyed webcasting doesn’t quite fit. The RIAA, SoundExchange, and the …