First Crack 47. Documenting Push the Future 2005

Push the Future 2005 was held this week at the newly renovated Walker Art Center. This episodes of the First Crack podcast are bits of my conversations with Loretta Hidalgo, Push Singha, Ethan Zuckerman, Leif Utne, Tom Mandel, and Push the Future founder Cecily Sommers.

Listen to Documenting Push the Future 2005 [17 min]

Let’s Be Honest, also in the PodcastMN aggregator, covered Push the Future in their 5th episode.

First Crack 43. Web 2.0 in Minneapolis

My coverage of Jim Cuene’s Web 2.0 presentation at the May 2005 Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association salon. One on one comments with attendees and Jim’s full presentation. Lots of insight into the current local interactive marketing scene vibe. Once again, I slide the Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle into conversation.

Listen to Web 2.0 in Minneapolis [1 hr 12 min]