I predict the next internet-enabled application to capture our imagination will have no AJAX, Flash, what-have-you. It will be so minimal, so basic, so straight-forward, it’ll make Google.com’s interface feel complicated. On a related note: “Here’s betting that ‘Web 2.0’ is what we’ll call the next crash.” – Doc Searls
Category Archives: Technology
The Niche is You
There must be something in the air, Seth Godin picked up the ‘who’s the audience when everyone publishes?’ argument. Seth is of course right – the cost of the production is quickly reaching zero. Fantastic blog software like WordPress is free – just the cost of implementation. Other hosted services are free. Once a blog …
Add Cable Public Access to the Endangered Species List
The MACTA talk was interesting. I sat next to tech lawyer, Brian Grogan. He explained the regulatory difference between cable companies and phone companies in this age where everyone is offering video over IP. I believe the difference came down to whether the video was offered exclusively on the proprietary network or available on the …
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First Crack 63. Coffee Technology with Timothy Tulloch of EuroRoast.com
Timoth Tulloch, CEO and Roastmaster at Minnesota-based European Roasterie (EuroRoast.com), and I talk coffee technology, from brewing to packaging, and why he’s aggressively moving into the single-serve coffee pod program (declaring the Black & Decker Home Cafe the best pod brewer). We wrap up with the culture of specialty coffee and how independent coffee shops …
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Google Buys Then Kills Urchin
If you’ve been tracking the ‘Most Popular Episodes by Downloads/Day’ way down on the far left column of the website, you’ve probably noticed it hasn’t been updated in a while. I know I have. The great guys at TextDrive moved servers and as such needed to revise their licensing on the Urchin – the server …
Laptop Killing TV and Stereo
I had a post on my personal blog about wanting my favorite movies and TV shows available as digital downloads, rather than DVDs. Looks like I’m not the only one considering my laptop the all-in-one media and communications center. PSFK points to an article on British youth not owning televisions. I picked up a Tivoli …
RSS is the Molecular Unit of the Internet
Strip the web of all the graphics, all the CSS, and all the AJAX, and you’re left with a list of things, their detail information, and the forms to add more items to the list. RSS is the list. The web browser is simply a presentation of it. Same as my feed aggregator, my email …
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Subscribing to the First Crack Podcast is Easy with iTunes 4.9
If you’ve been listening to the show through your web browser, your life just got easier. The latest version of Apple’s iTunes is out now and full support podcasts. Here’s how Click Here to subscribe to the First Crack Podcast in Apple’s iTunes Select the “Subscribe to Podcast” from the “Advanced” menu Copy and Paste …
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First Crack 47. Documenting Push the Future 2005
Push the Future 2005 was held this week at the newly renovated Walker Art Center. This episodes of the First Crack podcast are bits of my conversations with Loretta Hidalgo, Push Singha, Ethan Zuckerman, Leif Utne, Tom Mandel, and Push the Future founder Cecily Sommers. Listen to Documenting Push the Future 2005 [17 min] Let’s …
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First Crack 43. Web 2.0 in Minneapolis
My coverage of Jim Cuene’s Web 2.0 presentation at the May 2005 Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association salon. One on one comments with attendees and Jim’s full presentation. Lots of insight into the current local interactive marketing scene vibe. Once again, I slide the Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle into conversation. Listen to Web 2.0 in Minneapolis [1 …