Treasure Hunters Not an Amazing Race

Of course ever-anxious Tivo recorded NBC’s response to CBS’ Amazing Race – Treasure Hunters. Off the bat, I have my reservations about a program that so obviously is the television version of the 2004 Nick Cage car-accident National Treasure and the Tom Hanks-starred Da Vinci Code. Unfortunately, it’s much, much worse than that. Aside from …

Northern Exposure is Identity

We’re working through Season 3: Disc 5 of Northern Exposure (specifically My Sister, My Mother). In it, we find a nameless baby, Adam riding a roller coaster of emotions, and Shelly’s mom pretending to be her sister. Add these story-lines to the series’ general fish-outta-water-ness and there’s a lot of identity theory – Jewish or …

Videos Tab in TiVo Desktop – Video Blogs Now Playing – Nearly.

There’s an Easter Egg in the version 1.9.3 of the TiVo Desktop software for Mac. Flipping the right switch in the Preference Pane’s preference shows a new ‘Videos’ tab. Restarting the server and scrolling to the bottom of ‘Now Playing’ shows my MacBook. I’m very pleased they put my videos in ‘Now Playing’ (even at …

Duh. Advertisers are the Customers, not Viewers.

Listening to Tod Maffin’s latest Todbits (made my Podcast Picks as well) and pondering his bit about American Idol running 3 minutes after the hour to thwart PVR-watchers and encourage live-TV-watchers. Honestly, I feel a little silly. All this time I was wondering why it felt like broadcast media outlets despised their customers. Switching up …

Wanted: Recommendations on 32″ LCD HDTV

We’re moving into a new house this weekend and we’re pondering an upgrade to a wall-mountable, LCD, HDTV, 16:9, something reasonable like 32″, and somewhere south of $1500. If possible, I’d like something with an HD-tuner already built-in. Any thoughts? Here’s what I’ve found thus far that looks promising: Hyundai ImageQuest Q321 Samsung LNS3241D Sharp …

Pre-Amazing Race Season 9 Episode 6

Hey all. CBS changed the time Amazing Race is on. Now, Tuesday is just Garbage Day. Not Amazing Race & Garbage Day. Anyway a couple things in preparation for tonight’s installment. There’s some other Amazing Race bloggers: flyairdave Scrappy’s Amazing Race 9 (Looks like Amazing Race fantasy sports style. Also looks like Scrappy’s in Mpls.) …