On a Positive Note – iTunes Saves Television

Mark Cuban comments on the iTunes/Disney deal: This is far far better than syndication because it can apply to all shows….And this is far easier and safer than releasing a DVD. No extras. No inventory. No shipping. No Returns. No shelfspace issues. You ship a file to Apple and boom, the sales begin. Read the …

Oh, Did I Mention iTunes Kills Television Advertising

Josh at Splintered Channels ponders traditional ad spots within the new iTunes-delivered TV programs. The TV I’ve had for the last 10 years has a 30-sec timer button on it. Hit the button, change the channel, and 30 seconds later you’ll automatically return to the previous program. Tivo time-shifted both the program and this ad-skip …

Amazing Race 8 – Episode 3

The mudding challenge – very cool. I gotta give the Aeillo family props for making 14 attempts through the mud bog. The AOL laptop clue in the middle of the Rocket Center was completely dorky and worthless…well….aside from product placement. Reminded me of the ‘assemble something at IKEA’ challenge they had a couple seasons back. …

A Suggestion for Shareware-ing TV and Movies

I’ve got a handful of password-protected PDF files. I can share those files with anyone, back them up on as many computers or discs as I’d like. If I want to actually read them, I need the password. The password cost me a $10 or $50 or what have you. I’d like to see this …

Hugh Laurie on KCRW’s the Treatment

Elvis Mitchell interviewing Hugh Laurie from Fox’s House – my favorite new show. It’s a great listen. I was completely taken aback by Hugh’s extremely British accent. I think that’s a mark of a fantastic actor – being able to remove yourself from the character completely. On a slightly related note, Cayenne Chris‘ voice does …

P2P is the Same as Used – What You Want Isn’t Always There

Inspired by We Jam Econo screening by MN Film Arts, I thought I’d blow out my fIREHOSE and Minutemen collection. Now, I haven’t set foot in a cd store since I stopped doing secret shops for Cheapo Discs and buying CDs from Amazon seems like a step backwards. Today, I thought I’d check iTunes and …