A Business Model for Abundance

Heretofore, most business were founded on the idea of scarcity. Being the One and Only as Seth Godin describes. If you’re the only vendor offering something, it used to be easy to make money. Just convince people you’re the only one that can solve their problem. Then surround yourself with huge barriers to entry while …

Learning from the 24 Hour Comic Challenge

Yesterday, I attempted to create a 24 page comic in 24 hours. Here is what I learned from my first attempt. Have the story finished. I knew how the story started, that got me 6 pages along. Half way into page 7, I was stuck. Seven characters moving, a handful of relationships established, and nowhere …

How long does it take to build a website?

A year or so ago, I had this ‘Website-in-a-Weekend’ idea. Walk a group of people from nothing to a nice looking, easy-to-update, custom website in a weekend using WordPress. Something like this; Day 1: Install WordPress (t d), define categories, pages, generally get everything in place. Add some images and text. Day 2: Edit the …