Dave just did something I’ve been thinki…

Dave just did something I’ve been thinking on and off about for a while now: Twitter meets podcasting. Behold – the promise of podcasting as voicemail….of _actually_ having a conversation via the ‘space phone’. I think I’ll dust off the FastCast idea after dinner tonight. So the FastCast workflow tweaked for Twittering: Record via Audio …

Ququoo.com: Twitter Timesheet Looking For Beta-Friends

Ququoo.com, my first Rails app is finally up and at a place where I’m happy with it. Ququoo turns Twitter into a timesheet – by grouping your tweets and measuring the time between them. As with any web app that was launched moments ago, there’s probably a few more things to tidy up and sort …

Short Message Silo

Jaiku’s growth strategy is getting Twitter’s overflow. But only if you look at it from a winner-take-all, one-silo-for-everyone, perspective. Look at email. I like Apple’s Mail.app. Lots of other people like Gmail. I still know people that swear by Eudora. Despite the different applications, we all still get the messages from each other. The short …

Follow My iTunes via Twitter

Thanks to Doug Adams’ script, Current Track to Twitter v1.5, if you follow me via Twitter you’ll get continual updates on what I’m listening to. I’m digging Twitter as way to automatically publish in the background. I can keep my flow and we can stay connected. I see this quality that’ll keep Twitter from being …

QSPress – Quicksilver and WordPress Make Me Twitter

I’m with Aaron, I don’t quite get Twitter. If you want to know what’s on my mind…read this blog. What I do get about Twitter is really, really fast publishing. The faster, the better. So, I cooked up a little script (11 lines) to post directly to this blog from Quicksilver. If you’ve got a …

Note to Self: Stop Using Eric Rice’s Brain

Listening to the Joyeur podcast on Twitter, I made a note to look into fictional Twitter accounts. Then I see this post by Eric Rice: “By setting up a character-driven, fictional Twitter account, not only can I do a sultry little dance on the fine line of ARGs (alternate reality gaming), but that 140 character …