Category: WordPress

Publishers Shorten Yourself

The Wege pointed me to an excellent article by Joshua Schachter on the issues w/ URL shortening services. It’s consistent my concerns and my Insecurity of Short URLs post. As I alluded to that post, I see 3 opportunities for URL shorteners, all of them revolve around increasing trust (branding, security, backup). Let’s take that […]

iPhoto to WordPress Ruby Script

I maintain a WordPress blog that’s primarily an extension of iPhoto, and the various iPhoto plugins (Photon by Daikini, Photon by Orby, WordPress Export) I’ve tried over the years seem to have stopped being maintained, stopped working, or both. Which is fine, they never worked exactly the way I wanted them too anyway. So, I […]

WordPress 2.7 xmlrpc.php Monkey Patches

I’ve been fighting with WordPress 2.7’s xmlrpc.php file for a few days now, and I’ve made 2 modifications that may be useful to you. If you’re writing new posts via metaWeblog.newPost and the angle brackets from your HTML formatting are being stripped out (as described in this official WordPress bug report) and you’d rather not […]