I’ve subscribed to the Daily Giz Wiz for quite a while now – the combination of goofy banter, unloved gadgets, generally silliness, and it’s brevity makes for great podcasting. It’s the only TWIT-family podcast I was still subscribed.
Unfortunately, in today’s – #166 – the new TWIT intro calls it a ‘netcast’.
Lame. What’s a ‘netcast’? Do I need a boat and a body of water?
I heard Laporte’s rational for attempting to change the name at the recent 2006 PodcastExpo – he wants Apple to claim trademark of ‘podcast’. A term and media form developed by the podcast community – not Apple.
Double Lame. Rather than standing up to Apple, supporting the podcast community, simplifying the explanation for new listeners, keeping things simple for existing listeners – Laporte gives up.
Like Dave Winer said about RSS vs Atom: Two is more than twice as bad.
This thing – a multimedia file distributed via an RSS feed – is a podcast.
I’m unsubbing from DGW until it’s called a ‘podcast’ or at least a ‘clambake‘. I can’t support a name change and the software I’m using only understands ‘podcasts’.
” I’m afraid, I can’t have anything to do with Twitter, either. It’s just fueling the confusion [with TWiT].” – Leo Laporte
I completely agree with Tony @ Deep Jive Interests when he says:
“I just don’t see what [leaving Twitter] is going to solve.”
This is another silly publicity stunt from the big twit.
“I surrender Twitter. You win.” – Leo Laporte