First Crack 114. Kurt Schmidt on Old School BMX Freestyle

Twenty years ago, while BMX freestyle was a favorite hobby of mind, Kurt Schmidt rode for Haro Bikes. Then he co-founded the infamous Standard Bike Manufacturing.

He retells the story of:

  • breaking his ribs on his first big pro contest
  • stalking photographers to get in magazines
  • Rad – starring Bill Allen
  • starting a high-end BMX bike company, not in California, but a house in Iowa.
  • starting Props video magazine
  • Riding backwards.

Here’s a great timeline of Kurt’s BMX career.

[49 min].

Mac Audio Tip: Garage Band imports at 44kHz. If your audio is 48kHz, import it t

Mac Audio Tip: Garage Band imports at 44kHz. If your audio is 48kHz, import it to iTunes, and use iTunes adv Mac Audio Tip: Garage Band imports at 44kHz. If your audio is 48kHz, import it to iTunes, and use iTunes advanced import settings to convert the audio to 44kHz. Then, put the converted audio out of your iTunes library and into GarageBand. (Like podcasting didn’t have enough workarounds already)

A popular Democrat becomes President during one of the worst economic downturns


I’m reading The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression. While parallels with pre-1950s America are always tenuious, here’s a synopsis

A popular Democrat becomes President during one of the worst economic downturns in our nation’s history. He drives through some of the most dramatic legislation ever seen and creating departments compensating farmers to not bring food to market. US economy sputters throughout his term, waiting until the end of a yet to be fought war to recover.

Let’s hope tomorrows inauguration marks the beginning of America 3.0, not New Deal 2.0.

Five For Friday

Months ago, Rick Mahn asked me to list 5 things I was thankful for. Friday seems like an appropriate day to respond:

  1. Red Stag‘s Mac & Cheese for lunch.
  2. Re-arranging my office making both a cozy reading corner and a usable coffee-making corner. (Finally)
  3. Ruby.1
  4. You.
  5. Checking one more thing off the To-Do list calendar.

1. There’s a longer post in here about being productive in 2 hours. Ruby is the second language I’ve written in (the first was RealBasic, years ago) where I can solve a problem and start a new problem in the course of just 2 hours. Add a few well structured Google searches and the number of solved problems increases dramatically. Happiness.