First Crack 65. First Crack Turns One Through Rich Tatums Ears

Rich Tatum listened to each of the First Crack podcasts in linear sequential order. I thought he’d be the perfect interview for First Crack’s 1st Birthday. I was right. After we do a run down of the best and worst of the First Crack Podcast, we talk about: Podcasting’s bandwidth problem (it isn’t what you …

A Consumer Moratorium

Today, Doc pointed to Tim Jarrett saying (emphasis mine): “As I’ve mentioned before, I want a moratorium on the word consumer—both because it is disrespectful and because it builds bad thinking habits in companies that sell to ‘consumers’”. Smart, clued-in companies can signal they respect people by eradicating the word ‘consumer’ from their vocabulary (and …

Gentle Readers’ Hihoney Review

I picked up the (now defunct) Gentle Readers’ album Hihoney via Dave Slusher’s Evil Genius Chronicles’ Stuff package. I’ve never been one to listen to an album all the way through. On the rare occassions that I have a CD, I rip it into iTunes and wait for the individual tracks to come up on …

The Sploggy Site of the Street

There are at least 2 different internets. One with popups, popunders, spasm-inducing Flash banner ads, and the actual, unique information squeezed to the size of an IAB standard microbar. The other, without. Until now, this latter internet was filled with RSS feeds from blogs with real people behind them. Until now. Until Splogs. Back in …

On a Positive Note – iTunes Saves Television

Mark Cuban comments on the iTunes/Disney deal: This is far far better than syndication because it can apply to all shows….And this is far easier and safer than releasing a DVD. No extras. No inventory. No shipping. No Returns. No shelfspace issues. You ship a file to Apple and boom, the sales begin. Read the …