Month: October 2006


“People who care about what they eat go somewhere on purpose. People who don’t care, go close or cheap.” – Seth Godin Related: This is an important tipping point in Second Life’s history, as there are approximately THREE efforts to build alternatives, using open source and less expensive technology. – Eric Rice

Genealogy Namespace for OPML?

In my effort to organize the collection of family tree data I’ve acquired in the past week, I’ve tried out a number of proprietary software applications – some worse than others. Currently all my data is in a free application that imports and exports the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ GEDCOM format. The […]

Read Us

“I am still waiting for someone to come to their senses in this market, and appropriately offer an RSS tool that allows me to see what the most important people in my life are reading, and what they think of it.” – Stowe Boyd

Babe Ruth: 1330 Strike Outs – 714 Home Runs

Steve is wondering how to break through the din of our post-scarcity world. I see the lowering of the barriers to publishing very much an opportunity. An opportunity to move faster, publish faster, and continue to lower the barriers for getting interesting applications out to the world. Evan says this is Obvious. The photo Steve […]

330 Years Ago Still Not in Buren

I’ve been doing a little climbing on my family tree this week. While there’s still many bits I’d like to confirm and make more complete. I’m pleasantly surprised to find I trace the Van Buren name 330 years with free search tools like I predict 2 generations further will put me in Buren. 😉