This is simply sandbox to flush out this idea. I promise more incoherent ramblings and typos than usual. Scrabble now allows proper nouns in some game play. Seems like a great opportunity for Mattel to sell double word scores to the highest bidder. If every proper noun is marketing, who are you marketing right now? …
Monthly Archives: May 2010
A Long March
For the past 10 years (as long as I’ve been noticing) March has been tough month for me. It’s as if my mind and body finally succumb to the winter’s weight. The smallest things start to seem overwhelming and their failure inevitable. Rather than magical place full of opportunity and wonderfulness, the world seems trite, …
Sturgeon’s Law, Now Recursive
Theodore Sturgeon is credited with saying, “90% of everything is crud” In this age of always-on, real-time, democratized media there’s so much more of everything – 90% isn’t what it used to be. Even if we determine the remaining 10% of everything isn’t complete and utter trash. We still need to cull for relevance, importance, …
It seems to me, that like XML and violence, the world would be a better place with less Javascript.
Initial Thoughts on Google Offering Droid for @font-face Use
My initial thoughts on Google offering a hosted version of Droid: This is more an extension of their mobile play than getting into the font hosting. Here’s why: The Android handsets only display the Droid family of fonts. Google’s stated a number of times they’re serious about being successful in mobile. Google is a web …
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Back in art school – I spent some time with a designer-turned-fine-artist name Eric (last name since forgotten). Aside from his crash course in contemporary fine art of the late 1990s the thing I remember most about him was his answer to my question: Why did you switch from design to fine art? He looks …
2005-Present: I Protect
Great talk from Linda Stone on what comes after ‘continuous partial attention’. She argues that it’s filtering, engagement, discernment, and a striving for intimacy and a quality of live. “Understanding Workers” vs. “Knowledge Workers” Conversely, being tuned into the always-on, real-time stream creates a constant sense of crisis. Additionally, this constant fight-or-flight actually prevents innovation …
What’s My Next Telephone?
My mobile phone is starting to show it’s age. More sketchy connections, increased static and general inability to hear the other person on the line. All independent of who I’m talking with or whether I’m on T-Mobile’s GSM network or a WiFi network. All making me more unhappy with a device that increasingly feels like …