Fermenting: “GnomeMower” – Biére de Garde

After a three batches of beers with 6+ month fermentation timelines ( “Marley was Dead“, “Out Like a Lion” , “Sour Suburbanite” ) I wanted something with a slightly, faster turnaround. And – less, um, experimental. So, I pulled together this Biére de Garde Golden Strong Ale. Simple and straight-forward ingredient list. “GnomeMower” Bier de …

Fermenting: “Sour Suburbanite” – A Bitter Lambic

“Sour Suburbanite” Lambic recipe 6# Northern Brewer Organic Light Malt Extract 1# Maris Otter 2# Special B 1# Belgian Light Candi Sugar @ 15 2oz. Galena @ 60min 2oz. Galena @ 30min 2oz. Norther Brewer @ 5min WYeast’s Lambic Blend Original Gravity: 1050 Update 22 May 20100 Bottled today. Final Gravity 1004. Pre-carbonation tasting notes: …

Speedtesting Qwest’s Heavy Duty DSL

After a decade with Speakeasy, I switched to Qwest for my DSL. From what I understand, Qwest has fiber running to the my block with copper the house. Additionally as I understand – this switch from copper to fiber means Qwest is no longer compelled to make bandwidth available to resellers like Speakeasy. The copper …

Like Fail

Emphasis mine. “The Refresh Project accomplished everything a social media program is expected to: Over 80 million votes were registered; almost 3.5 million ‘likes’ on the Pepsi Facebook page; almost 60,000 Twitter followers. The only thing it failed to do was sell Pepsi.“ “It achieved all the false goals and failed to achieve the only …

My Reaction to the NYTimes Announcement

Today, the NYTimes announced their digital subscription offering. In reading through the 6 major bullet-points describing the subscription offering, my initial reactions as a reader are: This sounds hard and complicated. Can I become a home delivery subscriber and opt out of receiving the paper? Earlier this week, Elko pointed me to NYTimes Chrome – …