Fermenting: Sour Cider (Mach I)

I’ve been itching to make a cider. Yet, since it’s off season, I don’t feel like going too crazy. So, I thought I’d make a nice simple recipe. If successful, this should be ready around Thanksgiving. If really successful, it’ll be gone by then. Sour Cider (Mach I) 4 gallons Indian Summer apple cider ~2 …

Pegging Us Afloat

One of the reasons I love economics is it’s complexity. Sure, in theory the principles are simple – their application across a global scale are awe-inspiring, and frame-shattering. Take this passage from former Obama economics advisor Christina Romer on the terribly selfish reason China owns so many Treasury bonds: “For years, China has deliberately accumulated …

First Crack #127. A Guitar, Bass, Electric Trumpet, and Bryan Schumann

Bryan Schumann and I talk about composing music, improvising music, and whether the classical guitar pairs better with an upright bass or an electric trumpet. Bryan Schumann’s links: Beznau Music Shop http://www.beznau.com/bddschumann http://www.myspace.com/bddschumann DeSchuVoemann Listen to A Guitar, Bass, Electric Trumpet, and Bryan Schumann. [27 min]