Stunned dot us

“It’s not about “innovation in America” or which tech blog loves startups the most. This is about how Internet technology used to feel like it was really going to change so many things about our lives. Now it has and we’re all too stunned to figure out what’s next” – Alexis Madrigal

To Do: Figure out why I’m here

“After a couple of discussions like that, I realized that he was saying was that I should think about whether that was really the most valuable thing I could be doing … it would be more useful to think about what high-impact things I could do that no one else was doing.” – Michael Abrash

I’ve Got a Theory…

My hypothesis suggests that social media engagement and macroeconomic conditions are inversely related. Meaning: as people become more professionally engaged they will naturally engage less with social media. Yes, this means the boom in Facebook and Twitter activiy etc over the past 4 years was more about people coping with interesting times than anything else. …