First Crack 104. The Moustache Rangers on a Podcast

I was forced out of my podcasting hiatus by the The Moustache Rangers, a highly-entertaining, improv’ed, space-comedy duo. Aric (also of MakeMeWatchTV and LeastDangerousGame fame) and Cory share the backstory of the Rangers, the mythos of the Great Moustache, and the emotional power of guacomole. If like me, you’re a fan of Teknikal Diffikulties, you’ll …

RSS Everywhere:

Rex Hammock confirms Mac OS X 10.5’s supports reading RSS. While I’ve yet to see Apple implement RSS in a smart way, RSS in proves RSS support will be ubiquitous. Just as I mentioned last month. Can’t wait to see if is a better podcast-receiver than iTunes. If you’ve got Leopard installed …

REST-less with link_to

This week, I file my first major complaint with Rails. I was innocently running tests and tweakings some views – when I discovered function that should work longer did. A little background, my app is filled with routes the make the URLs more contextually appropriate and memorable than the standard REST URL construction. If you …

Where are the Good Minnesota Business Blogs?

I asked twitter about good MN business blogs and Mike Keliher mentioned the new Twin Cities Business Magazine site, while it’s not wholly a blog, there’s an editor’s blog and a very short list of local business blogs, including Graeme Thickins’ blog. I’m not confident in getting the whole story from a single source, so …

Kongrats to Kris with a K

Since the beginning of podcasting I’ve looked to Kris Smith to make a go of it professionally in a way that feels right (selling services) verses some of the smarmier approaches I’ve seen (CPM, shoehorning the broadcast network model). Today, Kris announced he’s leaving Room 214, the marketing firm he joined at the beginning of …

Passing Sessions and Referers in Rails Functional Tests

So, you’ve set up your Rails app to present different views to authenticated people verses non. Now, how do you test functionality for the authenticated people? Seems silly to have your tests sign in before checking whatever it is you want them to check. Well, pass the session data in the test as a hash. …

Walk It Off

Ed Kohler draws a 2 mile circle around his house and identifies all the places within biking distance. quantifies and ranks the amenities within 3 miles of your house on a scale of 0 – 100. Suprising results at least for me – the Roseville Apple Store is bikeable at 2.48 miles away.