Saturday, 27 October 2007

Tyler Cowen Mostly Cloudly on

Ben and I have been exchanging late-night previews of our respective side projects for a while now.

The idea behind Ben’s project – asks, can we turn the weather into Wikipedia? (Wisdom of the clouds – hehe).

Will we get better weather predictions from it? Dunno. From what I’ve seen of the site, it’ll be fun trying.

Tyler Cowen gets all uncov on Ben:

“I predict this will fail — how many government agencies already work at predicting the weather?”

I’m glad we got out of the way even before launch.

Sunday, 26 February 2006

Bye Rex, Thanks for the Party

(Matt Thompson from the Strib and me in a MNstories video documenting the party.)

I, along with 600 of Rex Sorgatz‘s closest friends wished him well in his move to Seattle and Microsoft last night.

Honestly, I haven’t been to a blow out like that in quite a while. The food, the drink, the hundreds of hipsters in a very tight space.

Among them, I was able to catch up with Ben, Chuck and Lori, Paul, and a bunch of people I haven’t seen in years that are still without blogs. As an added bonus, I finally met – in person – the legendary Adam Sellke and the elusive Dack.

Thanks Rex – for the party and for MNSpeak community (of course more over there). Enjoy your travels west, and oh, and say ‘Hi’ to Scoble for me.