First Crack 85. Jeremy Messersmith Talking about the Alcatrez Kid

Here’s my long-awaited conversation with Jeremy Messersmith talking about his new album, the Alcatraz Kid ($13.00 PayPal, City Pages review, Pulse review), and playing a couple of the songs of from it – two of my favorites (Day Job, Snow Day) and one of Jeremy’s (Great Times). Listen to Jeremy Messersmith Talking about the Alcatrez …

Slow Marketing

“slow marketing is a focus on human, one-on-one connections” – Evelyn Rodriguez The great thing about technologies like RSS, is their low-committment persistence, their bias for – as Evelyn calls it – ‘slow marketing’. For example, take real estate. It’s a big purchase occurring infrequently. Most of the time, I’m not looking for or buying …

Photo of Me at PodcastExpo

(Dave, Victor and myself) (Me, Kris Smith, Rick Klau, Eric Olson, and many others at Dinner) Big thanks go out to; Kris Smith – for letting me hang out with him all weekend and running the best session of the conference. Tim Coyne – for some amazing conversation. Dave Slusher – for dropping zen wisdom …

FCC’s Current Stance on Internet Censorship

This topic came up in a lunch conversation today, and I wanted to confirm I still accurately understood the FCC’s current position: “That being said, the F.C.C. has no jurisdiction over what content an individual broadcasts over the Internet, assuming it is legal.” Looks like the recently ratified Cybercrime Treaty is the closest to internet …

Podcasting: Hot or Cool?

…in the McLuhan sense. “Hot media are high definition (“well filled with data”) and demand a relatively passive audience; cool media are low definition and require intensive audience participation to fill in the blanks. Hot media intensely engage a single sense; cool media loosely engage multiple senses. According to McLuhan, movies and radio are hot …