We Are All Silos

Another day, another MacLeod (the word I’m using to describe my heavy-handed, Hugh MacLeod-inspired imagery). How many login/password combinations are you (or your browsers) remembering? Aside from the security issues inherent in having multiple keys around the web, each login/pass is another barrier to adoption, integration, usability, and usefulness. Customers are the silo, not publishers …

Back to Basics 2.0

I predict the next internet-enabled application to capture our imagination will have no AJAX, Flash, what-have-you. It will be so minimal, so basic, so straight-forward, it’ll make Google.com’s interface feel complicated. On a related note: “Here’s betting that ‘Web 2.0’ is what we’ll call the next crash.” – Doc Searls

Time to Mothball WishRSS – RSS Feeds Standard for Amazon Wishlists

A while back, I played around with Amazon’s ECommerce Services to spin out RSS feeds for wishlists – the result was the highly flakey and slow WishRSS. Today, Amazon announced RSS feed for wishlists exists by default. Yea! Now I can cross a rebuild of WishRSS off my list of Things To Do. Nice. Gotta …