First Crack 70. Ted Lowell from the Acadia Cafe on Being an Original Venue

Last year, PodcastMN got it’s start over drinks at the Acadia Cafe. This week, I sat down with Ted Lowell – one of the owners. We talk about: The history of the Acadia Cafe. The decision to be an all original music venue. What it’s like having a Starbucks across the street. Riding the 75-cent …

Search Engines Not Following

There are two semantic phenomena made prominent with the advent of tagging: We use related words to describe a concept wrapped in a point-of-view. If memory serves, in his Ontology is Overrated presentation Clay Shirky uses “film”, “movies”, and “cinema” as an example. Each of these words describes similar, but different things. We use the …

What I Want from Diapers – At a Glance Color Indicators

There are a number of indicators to determine if Cooper’s diaper needs a changing: Is he screaming? Does the front of the diaper feel and look full? Are his clothing, blankets, or crib wet? As you can see, all the items in this list are what economists call lagging indicators. In addition, two of them …

PodcastMN Aggregator Source Updated

I just updated the PodcastMN aggregator source code. New features include; Config file as a central location for all settings Creates html, rss, opml, m3u, and xspf files RSS file includes some iTunes podcast tags Includes the playtagger baked-in As always, you can see it in action at PodcastMN

What To Do with 10 Sears Ads?

Sunday Star Tribune seemed a little heavy for a boring, post-holiday, January weekend. As I culled out the handful of things I actually care about; comics big box electronics ads “signature” – maybe there’s something interesting this week “money + business” – maybe there’s something interesting this week the Satellite radio article in “arts & …

Disc Drives to Go the Way of Disc Drives

I predict in 2 years, Apple will start shipping computers lacking CD/DVD drives. Why Apple? They were the first to drop 3.5″ floppy drives, Zip drives, and modems. So, how will big, heavy software installs (like OS’s) be shipped? I’m thinking USB flash drives or network connections. What else is the .Mac storage and a …