The Difference Between Consumers and Customers Part Three

I’ve always found the Cathedral and Bazaar metaphor compelling. Movie theaters, newspapers, television, radio, magazines are all cathedrals. The publishers place an artificial separation between them and the audience/consumers/eyeballs/gullets for their complete, discrete, highly-produced artifacts. One-size fitting all. Weblogs, Wikis, Bulletin Boards are bazaars. Down in the dirt. Personal connections, relationships, conversations, building-blocks. Each new …

Things That Mean Nothing to Cooper

My mom has this great collection of 45s. I remember spending some fantastic afternoons as a kid spinning Joan Jett, the Beatles, and so many other classics. This lazy Saturday afternoon, we had the 89.3 the Current on for Cooper and they played a song by the Pixies. Jen to Cooper: “This was the first …

Tuesday’s Triple Play – Let’s Go Shopping

The day after Thanksgiving (or Halloween, or Arbor Day, or St. Patrick’s Day) marks the start of the holiday shopping season. This week’s Tuesday Triple Play is dedicated to the entertainment of retail. High at Home Depot from Minneapolis’ Diesel Jenny IKEA from Jonathan Coulton’s Smoking Monkey Sandbox [real] from Too Much Joy’s Cereal Killers …

Garrick on KARE 11s Podcasting Segment

If you missed it, here’s the KARE 11 – Podcasting, have opinion will share segment. If you’re wondering about a new First Crack podcast – as you can expect, Cooper threw my recording schedule for a loop. Podcasting to resume after the Thanksgiving holiday. Until then, peruse the archives and send over your suggestions for …

Hunting For a Non-HFCS BBQ Sauce

Today, Jen slow-cooked some pork loin and when it was fall-apart with a fork tender, we drained it, smothered it in BBQ sauce, and ignored it some more. After ignoring it good and long, we forked it onto some sesame-topped buns, threw on a scoop of ‘slaw and called it dinner. Yeah. Tasty goodness. Worth …

Lawyers That Get Niche Publishing and Podcasting

Some of you may remember the 6-part series I did with Parsinen Kaplan Rosberg & Gotlieb P.A. over at the First Crack Podcast. For your convenience, I’ve consolidated all the PKR&G podcast conversations including 2 bonus conversations that didn’t make the original series. This week PKR&G came out with their annual lifestyle magazine, “Perfectly Legal”. …