The Star Tribune’s Jon Trevlin writes a FUD-mongering piece on “the City Pages’ parent’s possible merger“. In his first 2 sentences there’s; an ‘if’, a ‘may’, and two ‘mights’. As a sign of things to come, Rex at MNSpeak pointed me to the online article. I read MNSpeak 2-3 times a day, during my regular …
Author Archives: Garrick van Buren
The Niche is You
There must be something in the air, Seth Godin picked up the ‘who’s the audience when everyone publishes?’ argument. Seth is of course right – the cost of the production is quickly reaching zero. Fantastic blog software like WordPress is free – just the cost of implementation. Other hosted services are free. Once a blog …
No, Not Schaumberg
On tonight’s SNL Weekend Update, Tina and Amy were trying to prove their Chicago cred with someone from the Sox (this is me, not a sports fan). He was kind enough to donate the World Series win to all Chicagoans. Southside, Northside, Skokie, Evanston, Wilmette, but not Schaumburg. Ha. (For the Minnesota readers unfamiliar with …
Add Cable Public Access to the Endangered Species List
The MACTA talk was interesting. I sat next to tech lawyer, Brian Grogan. He explained the regulatory difference between cable companies and phone companies in this age where everyone is offering video over IP. I believe the difference came down to whether the video was offered exclusively on the proprietary network or available on the …
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Memory Cards are More Convenient than Flash Drives
Yesterday, my trusty 128MB USB Flash keychain drive gave up the ghost. Dead. Unrecognized by any machine. I originally picked it up a couple years ago to transfer a large number of files too big for email, yet passed back and forth too frequently for the slow mount/unmount of the iPod. It’s served me well. …
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Who Are Garrick’s Favorite Podcasters?
Funny you should ask. I’ve added a new page to the site – gPod – Garrick’s Must Listen Podcasters. These are the podcasters that make my day. The ones that work my braincells, get me thinking, and remind me why podcasting is so much better than broadcast radio. Like the other pages on this site, …
First Crack Podcast and PodcastMN in Pioneer Press Again
Thanks go out to Julio Ojeda-Zapata for Podcast People, the most comprehensive article on the Podcast Minnesota community to date.
Garrick Talking to MACTA About Podcasting
Oh, sorry I forgot to tell you, in just about 9 hours I’ll be speaking on a panel at the Minnesota Association of Community Telecommunications Administrators‘ annual conference. General Session – IP Enabled Services “The internet has catapulted a plethora of innovations in communications. It will continue to be an exciting ride both in technology …
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Amazing Race 8 – Episode 5
“I’m so excited we’re getting out of the country.” Yeah, me too. What fun is the Amazing Race if you’re only touring the east coast (midwest *cough* midwest). Then again, the Amazing Race producers have double the people this season – so much higher airfare costs. But here’s the real reason families haven’t left the …
On Weblogs, Product Placement Worth More Than Banner Ads
Yesterday, A List Apart, Signal vs. Noise and Coudal announced a new ad network in the vein of John Grubers’ Daring Fireball sponsorhip model. Limited capacity, reasonable rates, blah, blah. Yes, all 4 of these blogs are extremely popular, and I can’t say enough good things about Daring Fireball. John is frank, curt, and snide …
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