In my quest to make podcasting as easy as possible, I’ve hacked the dircast (turns a directory of mp3s into a podcast) to support getID3() (reads the ID3 tags; artist, album, comments, from an mp3 file). I’ve also cleaned up the code a little, making it easier to customize. Download BetDirCaster from here The first …
Author Archives: Garrick van Buren
First Crack 47. Documenting Push the Future 2005
Push the Future 2005 was held this week at the newly renovated Walker Art Center. This episodes of the First Crack podcast are bits of my conversations with Loretta Hidalgo, Push Singha, Ethan Zuckerman, Leif Utne, Tom Mandel, and Push the Future founder Cecily Sommers. Listen to Documenting Push the Future 2005 [17 min] Let’s …
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Primer – Like a Time Travelers Convention
Last night, Jen and I watched Primer. Its got the same amateur, black-n-white, intimate cinematography as Pi. I like that. Makes the story feel raw and unpolished – real. Though, unlike Pi, I didn’t feel there was a central hub Primer’s plot spun around. I agree with Kottke; “…that’s ok because the science fictiony stuff …
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Put the Ask After the Parade, Not Before
A month or so back I got a knock on the front door. It was a couple high school kids asking for donations for the marching band’s new uniforms. I wasn’t thinking about the marching band at that moment. Nor was my wallet right next to the front door. Tonight, moments before Jen and I …
First Crack 46. Broadcast Radio and Podcasting with Noah Lamson
Noah Lamson, New Media Director at ABC Radio in Minneapolis and I grab lunch at Diamonds Coffee Shoppe. He’s publishing feeds for 92KQRS, Drive105, and 93X and we discuss the interesting relationship between broadcast radio and podcasting. If you stop by Diamonds, try the grilled cheese with bacon & tomato. Very tasty. Listen to Broadcast …
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Mr. and Mrs. Smith Blow Things Up
Tonight, while another summer t-storm swept through our fair city, Jen and I caught Mr. and Mrs. Smith. First off, I prefer Brad Pitt playing insane people (Fight Club, Snatch, Twelve Monkeys, the Mexican) and his odd body language throughout the movie was just enough insane for me. The his and hers hit squads with …
Pledging to Put Money Where Mouth Is
Yes, I will contribute five dollars each to five podcasters who don’t use paid sponsors. Help show a listener-supported model will work and add your name to the pledge. If you’d rather just support a podcaster, might I recommend: All of us at PodcastMN Croncast Evil Genius Chronicles This Week in Tech
Lots of Conversation, Lots of Energy
This week was chock full of conversations with people interested in how podcasting can work for their business. The amount of enthusiasm and energy I consistently received from across the table blew me away. Two other things that struck me: The people I’m talking with aren’t currently that far away from podcasting. It’s just a …
To Improv-a-Go-Go We Went
Every Sunday night at the Brave New Workshop presents, Improv-A-Go-Go. $1 buys you 2 hours of local improv. A good deal no matter how hit and miss the comedy. Tonight’s performance was definitely so: Straight From Uranus started off rough and quickly got their stride. Knowing when to end a scene, improv or otherwise is …
Podcasting is Closer to Voicemail than Radio
Yesterday, I listened to the latest from the Podcast Brothers featuring an interview with Todd Storch. You’ve probably gleaned that I don’t see the viability of an ad subsidized podcast. As I’ve mentioned in the economics of podcasting, existing broadcasters have huge amounts of money sunk into transmitters, spectrum, studios, and talent. The easiest way …
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