Minimum Viable Product as 5-Words or Fewer

8 years ago or so, I was helping an client build out a new business unit. Their first step – add a checkbox to their ecommerce checkout process. Their question to me: “Where do we put the checkbox?” The entirety of this new business and the aspirations of the entire team – rolled up into …

Mental Exercise: Price Free Retail Stores

This past summer, I entertained the idea of purchasing a couple tables at the community garage sale and loading them up with my basement full of stuff-in-need-of-a-better-home. And price everything at $0. Primarily, because I can’t imagine spending the time determining a price for each and every thing, labeling it, handling money, and risk justifying …

Subdomain_fu and Destroying Authlogic Sessions with link_to_remote

I’ve been fighting with a bug that doesn’t properly sign a person out from a subdomain (using a combination of Authlogic and Subdomain_fu) The sign out link looks like this: < %= link_to_remote "Sign Out", :url => {:controller => ‘person_sessions’, :action => ‘destroy’, :subdomain => false}, :method => :delete -%> While the session was destroyed, …

Web Fonts – Identifying a New Species

“…the design of typefaces had existed for centuries as an exclusive discipline reserved for specialists, who had access to proprietary tools. Today the personal computer provides the opportunity to create custom type designs with an increased potential for personalization and expression…Our design of custom fonts for Emigre magazine grew out of our need for unique …

Mental Exercise: Who Wins When Twitter Stumbles?

In continuing my short sell of social media, I’ve been imagining Twitter and Facebook as holdings in a hedge fund manager’s portfolio. In my amateur understanding of hedge funds: the goal is to reduce risk and maximize returns by investing in assets that move in the opposite direction. The magic is in finding the complimentary …

First Crack #124. Open Web Fonts with Ben Weiner

Ben Weiner‘s been doing great work on giving greater visibility for open fonts – and has written a book proposal for web fonts. I called him up to discuss this work and my notion that web fonts are a brant new species of fonts. Links and topics we mention: Open Font Library SIL Open …