In 5 brief minutes, I discuss my web font deliver service, Kernest and my hopes and dreams for Minnesota’s tech startup community. More interviews from all the Minnesota entrepreneurs that presented at the MIMA Summit over at MN Tech
Author Archives: Garrick van Buren
Cold Start #1 – Prototyping MVPs and Insulation
[43 minutes]
Cold Start #0 – About the Cold Start Podcast
Listen to Cold Start #0 – About the Cold Start Podcast [8 minutes]
My Proposal for Wal-Mart to Replace the US Postal Service
“With this program, we’re able to provide consumers in every rural town or big city across America with … a convenient, free mail delivery system.” – John Agwunobi, Wal-Mart division president In continuing my mental exercise on replacing the USPS I was stuck with solving the problem of delivery and drop-off for rural America. Especially …
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Mental Excercise: Replace the US Postal Service
Yesterday, NPR discussed the challenges of the US Postal Service after reporting a $3.8 billion revenue loss for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009. The revenue loss corresponded to a reported 13% decline in mail volume. I’ve noticed a significant decrease on my end since Dec 2007 as well. For the 2008 and 2009 …
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Innately Index Me
This morning Andy Parkinson pointed to his Innate Index project. And since narcissism is the perfect way to start a Monday, I indexed myself. That’s the graph above. “The Innate Index is a brief personality inventory based on the five factor personality model that has been shown to be associated with a variety of school, …
Please Exit the Silo in a Calm and Orderly Fashion
In my world – Twitter and Facebook streams seem to be slowing down, while I’m hearing rumors of more people “using” both services – it’s not translating to me seeing new faces. Hell, I’m even seeing fewer familiar faces. And half expecting to hear Whit Stillman‘s next project is titled “Social Network”. Not a bad …
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Mental Exercise: Armored Trucks / CC BY-SA 2.0 Sitting in traffic yesterday, an armored Dunbar truck drove by in the other lane – not unlike the one in the photo above. All I know about armored trucks is that carry cash. Everything I know about cash is that it’s going digital (debit cards / automated deposits & withdrawals, …
I grabbed a coffee with Matt Thompson last week to catch up. Since then – something he said about the challenges of financing news organizations kept rolling through my head. I’m paraphrasing: ‘pick the website of a major news organization – look at the headlines and stories – which ones will you pay for?’ That’s …
Prediction: Dow 12k By End of Year
The Dow hit a 13-month high today closing at 10,226.94. A 200+ point rally today. While I’m still concerned about the 100+ point fluctuations in Dow’s daily closings, I’m confident we’ll close 2009 by recovering the ground lost in October 2008. That’s 1800 points in 7 weeks, ~30 trading days, an average of 60 points …