Wonderlick “Topless at the Arco Arena” – Name Your Pre-Order Price

For nearly decades, I’ve been a big fan of anything by Jay Blumenfield, Tim Quirk, Sandy Smallens, or any combination thereof. So, yea, I’m pretty excited about the new Wonderlick album available for pre-order. Here’s the interesting bit: “…anyone who winds up paying more than the average donation will get his or her name in …

Introducing: RE07.US – The Greenest URL Shortener

According to a recent post by FuelInteractive.com, a link in Twitter is clicked for 5 minutes, then completely ignored. That got me thinking about all the wasted short urls out there. So many tinyurl, culld.us, is.gd, et al, links just collecting dust after all that initial clicking. Seems so wasteful considering “the current economic climate”. …

Deploying Sinatra on Joyent’s Shared Accelerators with Thin

On Thursday afternoon, I had an idea for just about the smallest web app I could think of (since then, I’ve even cut out a couple features). It didn’t make sense to use all of Ruby on Rails for this considering how tiny it was. Seemed like a great opportunity to try out Sinatra1 Write …

Introducing the Minnesota Pineapple Economic Indicator

It’s March in Minneapolis. The thermometer just broke 40°F and there’s still inches of snow cover. Winter sustenance in the upper Midwest traditionally comes in two forms: canned or hotdish. Not the most uplifting and exciting dishes to get families through long, grueling winters, but economical. Citrus fruits were a rarity, rare enough for oranges …

Device Agnostic Web Services

This morning I talked with John Vorwald‘s Multimedia Web Design class over at UW-Stout. One of the great questions asked by the students was: “Where do you see the internet in 2 years?” 2 years? Easy. Everything has a web server in it. The internet is accessible everwhere. On my desk, as I write this, …

Kindle 2.0 – 2nd Impressions

Dave’s “Decade of Ebook Arguments” post took me back a decade, to my first portable MP3 player – the Diamond Rio‘s 800 1 If memory serves, the 800 had 64Mb of storage2 – just enough audio for the walk from the apartment for the L ride into Loop. Not even enough for something new on …

King of Kong: This is How Small You Are

Earlier this week, I watched The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters1 What I expected to be a light-hearted documentary about competitive video gamers took an unexpected turn into the dark, bizarre, lengths small people go to keep their name in the #1 spot, their clique tight, and outsiders out. Since you’ve lived through …

iPod Touch 2nd Generation 16GB: First Impressions

A couple weeks back, I picked up a 2nd Generation Apple iPod Touch – partially so I could start playing with web apps for it and partially cause my much beloved 3rd Gen 40gig iPod is starting to flake out. I’ve been primarily for programming-related movies (PeepCode, SDRuby, and Pragmatic Programers), a calendar & address …