“the more time I spend w/ FriendFeed, the less I like it. I’d rather read y’all through my own blog.” If services like Friendfeed, Twitter, etc, have an innovation, it’s in present reading and publishing in the save view. This single view – often described as ‘presence’ or ‘social-ness’ – makes it easy to write …
Author Archives: Garrick van Buren
Are Some RSS Formats More Reliable/Faster than Others?
via Twitter, I was asked the above question. It’s a good question, cutting to the core of my ambivalence over the religious wars between RSS, Atom, etc. The flavor of XML a feed is published in shouldn’t matter. Neither to the publisher nor the receiver. Any parser able to handle multiple flavors should be able …
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Presentation for MIMA’s Info Overload Panel
4:30 minutes of my own back channel. Quicktime Here’s the recording of the full event: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/563535
Snippet: Copy MySQL Databases Over SSH
I needed to copy a database and the idea of backing it up just to re-import1 seemed like double the work. Here’s a snippet to pipe a mysqldump into a remote database. Keep an eye on the user names and passwords – you’ll need 3 sets; one for the database your copying, one to get …
Summer Camp Hookie
On this beautiful Saturday, I missed PublicRadioCamp. Unfortunate for many reasons, including – many of my favorite people in town were there. Hell, some of my favorite people in town organized it. Instead, I had one of the best days ever with my family. Our Day Sleep until after 7am Pick up a few things …
Ruby on Rails Snippet for Changing Relative Paths to Absolute
If you have a bunch of text containing relative path hyperlinks, and you’d like to change to them to absolute paths, you might find this snippet helpful. content = “some text with a <a href=’/path/to/relative_link/’>relative link</a>” link = “http://somedomain.com/” content.gsub(/=(‘|”)//, ‘=1*/’).gsub(/*//, link.match(/(http|https)://[w.]+//)[0]) The asterisk ‘*’ is a hackey placeholder for the actual link swapped in …
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Book Curation
“…we are going smaller, we are going less.” – Bodo von Hodenberg, bookseller – Bildschöne Bücher, Berlin Germany BTW – I found this link on my economics reading list in Cullect which proves (at least to me) that good curation is about both depth and discovery.
Quoted in APM’s ‘The Pork Wars on YouTube’
As part of APM’s Public Insight Journalism program, I was interviewed as about the use of sites like YouTube for political issues (vs. campaigns) – specifically in the context of the recent tennis match between animal rights groups vs farm industry groups. Here’s the bit of my interview they used on-air and online. “Garrick Van …
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Jon Gordon’s Twin Cities Coffee WiFi Google Map Started
Jon Gordon‘s going to be in the Twin Cities for a while and he thought it’d be fun to review the local selection of independent coffee + wifi shops. As part of that effort, I’ve started a Google Map for listing and pin-pointing these places. There’s also a handful of invites floating around to for …
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Something New In the Air
Two of my favorite people are starting new podcast projects in the next week. Kris Smith formerly of Croncast will be launching Life in the Can next Friday, still with Betsy on the other mic. Dave Slusher is launching the Reality Break podcast a couple days later. Both projects are aiming to be more sponsorship-friendly …