Twitter Updates for 2008-01-25 is about to launch. I’m interested, even it if involves newspapers. cullect/1: # my initial impressions when seeing the opening shots of GigaOm TV : ‘boring’ or ‘porn’. Neither sound interesting. # spent his morning alternating between business taxes and potty training. The former is in the mail. The later is maybe …

Restarting Rails with ‘Address Already in Use’

iTerm crashed on my this morning taking down my development Rails process. Now, I’m busy tailing‘s production.log and listening to some podcasts so I didn’t want to restart1 A little Googling found John Nunemaker’s year-old, “Oops I did it again” post. His tips worked. An I’m rewriting the following for Future Reference2: $ ps …

Where Did I Rant About Truncated Feeds?

Mark and Ed pulled me into a web advertising and truncated vs. full feeds conversation. Neither Mark nor I can find any writing/ranting I did on truncated feeds (these days I’m ambivalent – unsubbing is easy enough). If this rings a bell for you, can you put a pointer in the comments. Thanks.

Twitter Updates for 2008-01-23

@timelliott – the world is at least 1 magnitude better. Bad news just travels faster and is easier to find. # @tom_elko – I’m technically not in Mpls, so I can’t. 🙂 # @tom_elko – at least, not as a primary. Might be worth getting a roaming account. # Powered by Twitter Tools. – A Shareable Reading List for Each of Your Interests

We all have different facets of our personality – if only work and family. The things that are relevant and interesting for work are off-topic for family. It’s an national election year, so I bet a you’re tracking politics more closely than other years. Again, a separate facet or mindset. Sometimes distinct from the other …