On Weblogs, Product Placement Worth More Than Banner Ads

Yesterday, A List Apart, Signal vs. Noise and Coudal announced a new ad network in the vein of John Grubers’ Daring Fireball sponsorhip model. Limited capacity, reasonable rates, blah, blah. Yes, all 4 of these blogs are extremely popular, and I can’t say enough good things about Daring Fireball. John is frank, curt, and snide …

Oh, Did I Mention iTunes Kills Television Advertising

Josh at Splintered Channels ponders traditional ad spots within the new iTunes-delivered TV programs. The TV I’ve had for the last 10 years has a 30-sec timer button on it. Hit the button, change the channel, and 30 seconds later you’ll automatically return to the previous program. Tivo time-shifted both the program and this ad-skip …

Support Your Podcast By Encouraging Listeners to Unsubscribe

It’s Wednesday and I’ve already had 3 conversations this week on advertising in podcasts or somehow monetizing podcasts to support thousands of thousands of podcasts listeners. If a podcast is so popular that it’s running out of bandwidth on a regular basis, there’s a really good chance the vast majority aren’t listening – even though …

Ad Agencies are Paid to Make the Uninteresting Interesting

After the MIMA Online Communities Salon tonight I overheard; “Ad agencies are paid to make the uninteresting interesting.” Reminded me of something Hugh said; “For marketing hand-made cheese that was matured in sixteenth century stone cellars, blogging is a no-brainer. For marketing Velveeta, it’s trickier. Maybe impossible.” The sleight of hand ad agencies perform is …

Advertising Either Credits or Discredits Both Brands

Kristina from BrainTraffic and I were discussing podcasting over lunch today, specifically – relationships between advertisers and podcasters. As always, we concluded the most logical, credible solution is the conventional, NPR-esque, announcer-mentioned sponsorship IT Conversations is exploring. As Kristina stated, this model helps guarantee the both podcaster and advertiser are interesting and appropriate to the …

Why Google AdSense Doesn’t Work

For a while now, Dave Slusher hasn’t been happy with “dead fish” performance of Google AdSense on his site. We pulled AdSense off MNteractive.com months and months ago because of the same problems. I haven’t even considered looking back. I believe Jim Cuene and I hit on the crux of the problem this morning; Google …

Customers are Cheaper than Ad Agencies

When people are sharing more and more with each other and strangers, when audiences are splintering, when the relationship between a company and it’s customers is far more measurable, spending millions of dollars on “brand awareness” would seem hilarious – if it wasn’t sad. In other words: “You don’t want the kind of high-production stories …

Podcasting is Ron Popeil for the Radio

Mark Ramsey at Radio Marketing Nexus nails the value of podcasting to business: Podcasting is to Radio spots as infomercials are to TV spots. I’ve used the informercial comparison before, I’m glad others see it also. The traditional model of commerical spots interrupting a regularly scheduled program falls apart in podcasting. Podcasts can shrink and …