First Crack 44. Building Community, Building Bridges

David Motzenbecker, Mark Hinds, and I talk about how to get a bridge built. Specifically, a pedestrian bridge to re-connect the Bryant and Kingfield neighborhoods of south Minneapolis, two neighborhoods long separated by interstate highway 35W. Listen to Building Community, Building Bridges [33 min]

First Crack 43. Web 2.0 in Minneapolis

My coverage of Jim Cuene’s Web 2.0 presentation at the May 2005 Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association salon. One on one comments with attendees and Jim’s full presentation. Lots of insight into the current local interactive marketing scene vibe. Once again, I slide the Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle into conversation. Listen to Web 2.0 in Minneapolis [1 …

Back in the Pioneer Press

I’d like to thank Julio Ojeda-Zapata and Leslie Brooks Suzukamo for the PodcastMN article in the Saturday Pioneer Press. The article is right, a key challenge is to lure advertisers. I’m actually not confident the advertiser-publisher relationship we’re accustomed to in radio, televison, and newspapers will effectively migrate to podcasting. As PBCliberal mentions in his …

The Power of Podcasting 1: The Voice in My Head is Yours

I was reading Scripting news when it I noticed it. The words I was reading were spoken by Dave Winer. I’ve never met Dave. Something I’d like to do, but all the same, I’ve never met him. I’ve only listened to his podcasts (which continue to explore the bounds of this new audio form). From …

First Crack 38. The Long Term Commitment of Placemaking

A conversation with Minneapolis urban planners Sam Newberg, from Joe Urban, and Jay on how making a place distinct takes a hundred years. This conversation was recorded at Keegan’s Irish Pub in Minneapolis with two Radio Shack lapel mics going into an iPod running Podzilla. Listen to the Long Term Commitment of Placemaking [12 min] …