How To: Build a Wiki with Ruby on Rails – Part 1

Here’s how to build a very simple Ruby on Rails-based wiki engine 1. 1. Create the Rails App rails wiki and cd wiki to get inside the app. Remember: create your database (i.e. wiki_development) and update config/database.ymlappropriately 2. Generate the Scaffolding There are 3 nouns in this wiki system: People, Pages, Revisions. Let’s create the …

TwitterCooler v0.2 – Make Twitter More Like Office Chatter

(formerly TweetSpeak, changed as to eliminate confusion with While I’m fond of the Twitter-as-water-cooler metaphor, there was something missing. Namely Twitter is quiet, and offices are filled with loud, distracting chatter. If you’re on a Mac you can now remedy this issue with TwitterCooler downloads your friends tweets and reads them to you …

The Power of Vendor/Gems

Right now, I’m heavily reliant on an unsupported (if not completely abandoned) ruby gem library. Historically, I’ve just gem install bizarro-gem and moved on. A couple of issues have changed my perspective: My host, textdrive, doesn’t allow installing bizarro gems on their shared servers and I’ve had difficulty freezing them, so I worked around the … Update: iCal & RSS Feeds

As a thanks to 75 people befriending Ququoo, I just deployed an update to Improvements include: RSS & iCal* feeds auto-hyperlinking urls permalinks fixed timezone bug If you dig the improvements, click one of the Ququoo PayPal subscription buttons. Thanks. *The iCal feeds are working as expected in, but not in Google Calendar, … Twitter Timesheet Looking For Beta-Friends, my first Rails app is finally up and at a place where I’m happy with it. Ququoo turns Twitter into a timesheet – by grouping your tweets and measuring the time between them. As with any web app that was launched moments ago, there’s probably a few more things to tidy up and sort …