Top 9 Things I Want In a Blog Engine

self-hosted easily template-able easily customizable supports email-to-post supports XML-RPC supports RSS output internal search engine an writing UI encouraging writing 200+ words at a time an reading UI encouraging reading 2+ essays at a time Update 11 Oct 2010 Add these to the list; memorable, human-readable URL constructs doesn’t bias how or what I publish Launches at

I’m pleased to announce the launch of – a advertising product now in beta testing at Karl and I have been building and testing the system for a couple of months now and I’m quite happy with it on three of fronts; It feels like it makes advertising approachable to people and organizations …

Publishers Shorten Yourself

The Wege pointed me to an excellent article by Joshua Schachter on the issues w/ URL shortening services. It’s consistent my concerns and my Insecurity of Short URLs post. As I alluded to that post, I see 3 opportunities for URL shorteners, all of them revolve around increasing trust (branding, security, backup). Let’s take that …

Garrick Last Minute Addition to IDSAmn’s ‘Design Your Career’ Event

This Thursday night, Dec 4th, I’ll be giving a brief talk on using online communities & publications – weblogs, Twitter, etc – to position yourself professionally. Word is, I’ll be on after the panel and before the beer. Wait, that can’t be right. More info here: IDSAmn’s Design Your Career IDSAmn + PDMA Co-Panel Event …


When I talk about Cullect to people publishing feeds, I very consciously don’t use the word ‘blog*’. Primarily because bloggers blogging blogs aren’t the only people publishing online. Almost everyone publishing online publishes a feed. No matter if that publication contains text, audio, video, software, or something completely different. Cullect works the same if you’re …

RE: Blogger Sees Red Over StarTribune’s Lack of Citation

As if I didn’t have enough reasons to grumble at the STrib – a reporter doesn’t credit their sources. Coincidentally, on a story covering questionable ethics. “Come on, Jackie. You called me about this on Thursday afternoon. We discussed the story, I pointed you to sources where you could find more info, including the email …

Client Blogging: Joanne Henry

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been setting up a blog for Joanne Henry co-founder of the Henry Schafer Partners marketing. When I sat down to walk her through WordPress, she already had 3 posts ready to go. She’s been steady since. Which is great, her writing style is perfect for blogging – informal, …