Finally – Multiple Speakers in iTunes AirTunes

Spent a few moments over lunch refining my wireless network, while making sure everything worked as expected, I noticed a ‘Multiple Speakers’ option in my iTunes v6.0.5 (20).

About Frigging Time!

When we first set up the Airport Express, I was baffled why I couldn’t have the same music playing in the room with the laptop as the room with the Tivoli.

Thankfully that bug has been fixed – and with enough Airport Expresses, I can fill the neighborhood with podcasts just like the crappy music blaring from Silver Lake Village.

Seriously, it’s a horrid place to make phone calls – despite being outside and away from traffic.

Nathan Stohlmann says this is part of the AirPort Express Firmware 6.3 Update.

Agent FeedSeeder Says ‘Hi’

If you see: FeedSeeder/Development (; TEST Furrow in your logs, that’s me. Well, technically, the T-minus project I’ve been talking about.

Hi. How are you? Things are good. Thanks.

I’m pretty happy with how things are behaving, even at this yet early stage. Just the poking around I did tonight felt very comfortable. I’m looking forward to when I can live in it for a while.

RSS 2.0 feeds are no problem – just as I suspected. Atom, RDF, and some Feedburner feeds are yet to come.

Compare and Contrast

  1. Exhibit 1: The lastest Morning Coffee Notes talking frankly, casually, honestly about business and the internet. There’s a pile of very valuable lessons in this conversation.
  2. Exhibit 2: TechCrunch’s heavily produced, seemingly scripted, wardrobed, cast of 14 CEOs talking buzzwords.

Update 12 August 2006: The Om and Niall Podsessions have left me unsatisfied lately. Too much of the later, not enough of the former.

“Aside from personal, near-term gain, why sell out at all? Wait until the 1.0 era giants crumble, and buy their worthwhile assets” – Stowe Boyd

Blog Networks Are An Oxymoron

It’s a rare recording label with more fans than the artists it supports, a rare television company with more fans than the programs it broadcasts. Anyone can create a network just by installing MagpieRSS on their favorite server and loading it up with their favorite RSS feeds. Er, I think that’s a network, maybe a channel, eh, it’s close enough not to matter.

There are 333 feeds in my version of NetNewsWire. The vast majority of them, independent publishers, somewhat unrelated to the next. As of this writing, there are 73 feeds over at PodcastMN. Same goes for them.

But, aggregation is only so useful. Filtering, editing, whathaveyou is the other side of the coin.

“These network directors, as I call them, would add critical value to the plaza, and make the user experience much more than just a combined stream.” – Stowe Boyd

Does the above link make me a Network Director or simply a blogger?
(yes, this is all about the T-minus project)

Different Words for a Sandwich with Meat Cut from a Vertical Rotisserie

Last night, over a dinner of thinly-sliced lamb in a small, round piece of bread with tomatoes and onions, we wondered what we should call this sandwich. According to Wikipedia, here are our options:

  1. Gyros – this is the Greek term, ‘jeeros’, and the first time I had one at Drag’s Pizza in Rice Lake, WI about 15 years ago, I ordered a ‘yeero’ – no ‘s’. In Belgium, you’ll find french fries in the bottom of it.
  2. Döner – this is the Turkish term, and what I lived on in Germany. There, it’s served in fladenbrot with cabbage.
  3. Schwarma – is the Arabic word for it. I ate some of these while in German as well – I’m sure it depended on emigration. Of the 3, this seems like the easiest to pronounce correctly.

T-60: Thoughts on the Browser-based Feedreader

Chrono Cracker wrote up his wishes for a browser-based feed reader, and since I’m working on one, I thought I’d respond with my own 25 cents.

  1. Automatic Feed Finding
    Yea, I agree – typing in fewer characters rules. Still seems like needing to type a URL in the first place is a workaround.
  2. Rate the Post
    I’ve talked about this before. As time goes on, I see less and less value from it. Single-dimensional ratings don’t actually provide any meaningful data on relevance (simply because we don’t all rate on relevance). There’s an interesting idea in there though, I think only is has even made a first step in this useful direction.
  3. Tagging/Inline Search & Link & Site Genre
    Every attribute is a tag. Read, Time read, keywords, number of keywords, author, source, publication date, number of vowels in the title. Everything. By that logic, a collection of posts matching a specific tag is more important than their source.
  4. Smartness – Artificial Intelligence
    In a pool of 200+ feeds, no reader has yet solved the problem of ‘What should I pay attention to right now’. This is a problem far larger than a lowly feed reader. Many of the points we’ve already talked about start to solve this problem
  5. Design
    Agreed. All the browser-based readers I took a look at are dang ugly. Though, it could be that I’m such a fan of NetNewsWire my judgement maybe cloudy.
  6. AJAX
    Studies have shown that Duck tape is actually really bad at fixing ducts, and really good at removing warts.
  7. Server-side
    Seems to me this is where the action is in browser-based feed readers
  8. Order
    Some ordering presentations are far more useful than others. We’ve yet to find the one that really works.
  9. Direct Comments/In-line Comments/Trackbacks
    Agreed. Commenting and feedback not posted to the source isn’t useful in most circumstances. There are a rare few where it is.
  10. Blog/Email
    Yes, and this interaction is so often executed so poorly.
  11. Top and Related
    This goes back to the bits about attributes, tagging, and sorting and yes, why aren’t subscriptions easier to share? Darn good question.
  12. Mark all Read/Backup Copy
    This is only a useful solution if the opposite was a problem. What if it wasn’t?
  13. Keyboard Shortcut
    Fersure. Bloglines does this very well.
  14. Alerted
    I thought that’s how RSS worked best?
  15. Bookmarklet
    Now we’re solving the problem we talked about up in ‘Automatic Feed Finding’
  16. Translation
    I’ve read Douglas Adams auf Deutsche, he wasn’t as funny.
  17. Email
    Seems like a temp-fix for newletters that aren’t yet RSS. Just checking.

Tivo Time Travel to Late 80’s Videoblogs

Some how, early last month, Tivo found a Saturday Night Live from 1989 and obediently recorded it.

Dana Carvey, Dennis Miller (does the map behind him remind you of Rocketboom?), Al Franken’s one-man mobile uplink (early video-blogger?). This is the SNL I caught on satellite TV working late as a farmhand.

Low budget effects, talent cracking themselves up, it all felt very videobloggy. Coincidence?


Lots of jokes about George Bush (Senior) – the jokes are still funny. In sad, cynical, ‘things have gotten worse’ kinda way.

As and added bonus, 10,000 Maniacs – for Jen, I preferred Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians.