Minneapolis Scobleized

Tim, Cody, Chuck and I grabbed a drink with Robert Scoble tonight. And I also met local open source CMS developer Tim Broeke from ElectricJet. If you’re finger isn’t on the pulse of weblogs, Scoble is Microsoft’s überblogger. He was in town to start a conversation with Target. I applaud Target for this. There are …

Learning Ruby – Day 14

Day 14 – Blocks, Procs, and the Others I get it. Seven pages into Day 14 trying to figure out what other meant in Slagell’s examples and it clicks. In other languages I’m familiar with (Applescript, PHP, Perl, REALbasic) variables are passed through methods. Example if we have a method that’s friendly, function SayHiTo($name) { …

The Power of Podcasting 1: The Voice in My Head is Yours

I was reading Scripting news when it I noticed it. The words I was reading were spoken by Dave Winer. I’ve never met Dave. Something I’d like to do, but all the same, I’ve never met him. I’ve only listened to his podcasts (which continue to explore the bounds of this new audio form). From …

“Off Grid” – My 24 Hour Comic for 2005.

Since I attempted this year’s 24 Hour Comic Challenge, I thought it was only right to share with you the outcome. Seven pages, seven characters, the start of a story. A story of a world where everything is available to everyone at the time and what happens when someone goes “OffGrid” [pdf]. Oh, and if …