In Need of a Rural Internet-ification Administration

This country is vast. “Miles and miles of little more than telephone line”, I wrote last summer after half-cross country road trip. The costs of providing and maintaining that infrastructure miles and miles between neighbors is baffling to me. Let along the fact we electrified the cornfields 70 years ago. But, unlike energy – we …

Measuring What You Can’t Automate

“[I] think how much better it would be if we could just measure how much people care.” – Dave Slusher Like Dave, I don’t understand the fascination with measuring downloads. Well, I take that back – I understand it for producers trying to woo advertisers. I don’t understand why advertisers would want to base their …

Building Communities is Building Commerce

Lots of conversations this weeks about building online communities: forums, weblog networks, mailing list, what have you. All with organizations having a vested, commercial interest in growing a community. While they expressed skepticism about a community gathering around their commercial interest, I wasn’t concerned. It’s already happening.A group of people somewhere are already talking about …

A Per Post Ad Experiment – Now Taking Your Money

Via my WP-GotLucky plugin, I’ve been tracking the volume to a handful of real popular posts (really, there are some?) here at just check out the ‘Most Popular Posts’ section to see the 10 mostest popularist. Inspired by Ze Frank’s gimmesomecandy-ducky experiment, I’m now taking money for 50 character messages on each and every …