“I wasn’t really GETTING anything from real time access to my performance data, except the stress of being aware of every time we had a temporary dip below the median performance (which, statistically, occurs uh… 50% of the time).” “Compounding my error, I actually now have the ability to ACT on this half-baked version of …
Monthly Archives: June 2012
“When I was young the thought of going slow never occurred to me. But I learned that sometimes you have to slow down to go really fast. Seems paradoxical. But you can’t make good design decisions until you’re thoroughly familiar with a tool. And when you go too fast you have to live with the …
Links are the Killer App
“I may be wrong but it looks like Google’s fear of the mobile ecosystem – that apps cannot be crawled, indexed and searched for may be an overreaction. It is precisely because apps cannot be crawled, indexed and searched for, the mobile application ecosystem’s expansion will be limited – mobile app discovery will continue to …
“When you start anthropomorphizing an electronic gizmo…”
“When you start anthropomorphizing an electronic gizmo, maybe its time to go outside and get some fresh air. Just a thought.” – tyson jennings
“It’s all news to someone”
“So let’s call this the newsonomics of the shiny new wrapper, a movement that is allowing editors, publishers, broadcasters and marketers to reimagine what (and how) they can offer to long-time and would-be readers.” – Ken Doctor This is the space where my most interesting and most recent conversations are occurring. I see a huge …
“I want to be open the possibility of gap time.”
“I want to ask people a simple question: are you happy with your relationship with your phone. Do you think it’s a healthy one? I don’t think I have a healthy relationship with mine. I feel a constant need to pull it out – to check email, to text, to see if there is something …
Continue reading ““I want to be open the possibility of gap time.””
Thanks Jamie. This made my week.
Be Unafraid
“Fear-mongerers leverage our willingness to pay attention to fearful stimuli in order to generate attention. A fearful newspaper headline captures people’s attention. This draws people into paying attention to the newspaper as a whole, which is precisely the intention of headlines. Likewise, when TV anchors are spouting off fearful information, people are far less willing …
I read Jim’s Journal and it was OK
I count Jim’s Journal (along with the Muppets, Hitchhikers Guide, Airplane, and The State) as significant in forming my sense of humor. I’m pleased to find Jim’s Journal is on GoComics.com. And just as dry as ever.
“What am I resisting more than x?”
Mark Foster (author of the highly recommended, Do it Tomorrow) has an exceedingly simple and powerful task management system called: Final Version. “The FV algorithm uses the question ‘What do I want to do before I do x?’ to preselect a chain of tasks from the list. What exactly is meant by ‘want’ in this …