Project Launch: Sun Downloads

Sun’s new download service launched yesterday – a project I’ve been working on for 18 months or so. Big congrats to Gary Zellerbach and the rest of the project team on this milestone. If you’d like to compare and contrast, the initial four products (of the 1000s being migrated) are: Solaris™ Operating System for x86 …

MySQL on OS X Reinstall Reminders

First off, if you can avoid reinstalling MySQL on OS X – by all means do. Whatever the reason is that you want to do a reinstall, it’s not a good one1. Just buck up and work around whatever issue you have. It’s not as bad as what follows. Let’s say you decide to reinstall …

3.75 Reasons Jonathan Coulton Is More Interesting than Radiohead

In Jonathan Coulton’s Portal post, I find 6 things very interesting. He: was commissioned (I’m assuming) to write a song for a video game ($$$) likes the video game (is this an ad or a recommendation to his fans?) includes the lyrics in the post includes the chords in the post thanks the video game …

The New Dad Book Needing To Be Written

We’ve Got Money, What We Need is You A New Dad’s Family Handbook The first time around, we picked up the stereotypical new parent books. If any of you are having your first child – you only need one of those books. Go to the bookstore, page through them all, buy the one that makes …

RE: Crushing the life out of the iPhone ecosystem

A couple years back, after ‘getting’ the idea of having all my favorite audio with me at a moment’s click – I had grown bored of my then new 40gb iPod. A few minutes of searching and I found Doc Searls link about the iPod Platform. Suddenly, I was neck-deep in podcasting. Even in those …