Read Us

“I am still waiting for someone to come to their senses in this market, and appropriately offer an RSS tool that allows me to see what the most important people in my life are reading, and what they think of it.” – Stowe Boyd

Web Apps, the New Lock-in, and the Opposite of Backup

Over at, we’ve been talking about how to close your MySpace account. Leaving sites like MySpace and Friendster should be straight forward – simply delete me. Disconnecting me from all my ‘friends’. No biggy. Not letting me do that is both a privacy issue and a Google juice problem. Sites like YouTube and Flicker …

Babe Ruth: 1330 Strike Outs – 714 Home Runs

Steve is wondering how to break through the din of our post-scarcity world. I see the lowering of the barriers to publishing very much an opportunity. An opportunity to move faster, publish faster, and continue to lower the barriers for getting interesting applications out to the world. Evan says this is Obvious. The photo Steve …

330 Years Ago Still Not in Buren

I’ve been doing a little climbing on my family tree this week. While there’s still many bits I’d like to confirm and make more complete. I’m pleasantly surprised to find I trace the Van Buren name 330 years with free search tools like I predict 2 generations further will put me in Buren. 😉

Be Progressive, B-E Progressive

On my daily walk last night, I saw a campaign sign for the Independent candidate running in the 5th Congressional District. Odd, I thought this race was a foregone conclusion. Then I find this bit from Mark over at Norwegianity: “..the Cities hoi polloi desperately don’t want Ellison in Congress. He doesn’t owe them squat, …

Ze Frank vs. RocketBoom – What Counts?

It’s great that Andrew got on my TiVo, great that he’s on phones, getting the traditional media comfortable with alternative distribution methods. Andrew deserves our thanks for going down this road (it’s not one that sounds like fun to me). To his credit, I can’t tell the difference between RocketBoom and the news from local …

Studio 60 – Best Show on Television

Sure, I’ve probably said this about ever Aaron Sorkin production…save West Wing (it just didn’t click with me). The writing in all his programs is superb, the characters – real, the situations – idealized without being unrealistic, drama without cheese or melodarama. Life. Though, if history is any indication – Studio 60 won’t be on …

RE: What this Website Looks Like

Ben has some recommendations for wordpress publishers using the Hemingway theme (like I am of this writing). While I agree with some of his suggestions – the undercurrent of the entire discussion is that visual presentation doesn’t really matter – let alone main pages. Search engines shouldn’t index the main page of a blog (cause …