“But I can’t imagine that blogging and Twitter won’t fully merge, and I expect that to happen soon.” – Dave Winer I’ve been posted to Twitter from Cullect since Cullect launched. Cullect.com/Garricks-Friends probably has as many blog feeds as Twitter feeds (yes its more about the people than their choice of publication). This is a …
Author Archives: Garrick van Buren
iPhoto to WordPress Ruby Script
I maintain a WordPress blog that’s primarily an extension of iPhoto, and the various iPhoto plugins (Photon by Daikini, Photon by Orby, WordPress Export) I’ve tried over the years seem to have stopped being maintained, stopped working, or both. Which is fine, they never worked exactly the way I wanted them too anyway. So, I …
WP-iCal Updated by Andrew Koransky
Big thanks to Andrew Koransky for updating the WP-iCal plugin to; support WordPress 2.5.1 and greater, make it more compatible with WordPress’ admin view, and a few other excellent tweaks. It’s been running, smooth as can be, at MNteractive.com for a while now. More info and download at Andrew’s site Thanks Andrew.
2009: A Year of Clarity
I’m excited for 2009. The New Year is just the landmark I (we?) need to shake off the malaise of 2008 and start fresh. New. My goal for the year is clarity. Clarity of priorities, clarity of mind, clarity of spirit. To achieve this clarity, I’ve identified a handful of small (easily measurable) and big …
Profile of Garrick & Cullect @ Minneapolis MetBlogs
Big thanks to David over at Minneapolis MetBlogs for a very nice write up on me and Cullect, check it out: Minnesotans Making an Impression – Garrick Van Buren
WordPress 2.7 xmlrpc.php Monkey Patches
I’ve been fighting with WordPress 2.7’s xmlrpc.php file for a few days now, and I’ve made 2 modifications that may be useful to you. If you’re writing new posts via metaWeblog.newPost and the angle brackets from your HTML formatting are being stripped out (as described in this official WordPress bug report) and you’d rather not …
Why Does NORAD Follow Santa?
(I’m posting this more for my reference than anything else) It all started back in 1955, when an advertisement for Sears Roebuck & Co. urged children to call Santa Claus, but misprinted the telephone number and accidentally listed the hotline for the commander in chief of the Continental Air Defense Command’ (CONAD), NORAD’s predecessor. Colonel …
The New Apple Product Dilemma
Apple’s been great about keeping their product offerings simple and straight forward. Historically, the biggest question when deciding on which Apple computer to purchase was: Do I want the power & storage of a desktop or the portability of a laptop? Even today, the prices between a 2.4GHz iMac and a similarly spec’d 2.0GHz Mac …
First Crack 113. Tim Coyne on How Hollywood Works
I was interested in how Hollywood actors promote themselves, find work, and generally build a career. So, I called up Tim Coyne of The Hollywood Podcast for the break down. We cover auditions, agents, reels, and the side jobs that keep the bills paid. [40 min].
The Roastery and Kopplin’s Offering Coffee Subscriptions
If you’re still looking for something delicious to give the fanatic coffee drinker in your life – I’m super excited to share that both Jeremy Raths, of The Roastery, and Andrew Kopplin, of Kopplin’s Coffee, are offering coffee subscriptions. The Roastery Regulars subscription, is $144, delivers 1 pound of coffee to your door every other …
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