Under the Weather. No Coffee for a Bit.

Hi all. My apologies for the lack of updates. Some sort of virus put the smack down on me earlier this week (it’s going around). My head feels like a bowling ball and the thought of talking hurts. Worst of all – I haven’t had coffee since Tuesday. Tea. Lots of tea and lots of tasty Green Goodness juices.

Jen just listened to Jon Share His Geo, and she said she liked the format – me being between you and the interviewee. Less eavesdropping and more This American Life-esque. What do you think? 206-20-BEAN-1 or email.

Thanks for sticking around. I hope to bring you another heavily caffeinated episode early next week.

In the mean time, check out something else I’ve been working on: WishRSS – it turns Amazon WishLists into RSS feeds.

Alright. Time for more tea.

First Crack 29. Jon Shares His Geo

Jon Steinhorst is a designer and film maker I’ve known for years. In part 2 of our conversation he describes his new journaling system, public v. private writing, his impressions of Chicago, and his new do-it-yourself car-share venture.

Listen to Jon Shares His Geo [18 min]

Got questions about coffee or comments about the show? Call: 206-20-BEAN-1

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First Crack 28. The Movie Episode with Jon Steinhorst

Jon Steinhorst is a designer and film maker I’ve known for years. In part 1 of our conversation we talk about his history of film making, unofficial double features, and films worth watching.

A couple of notes:

Listen to the Movie Episode [21 min]

Got questions about coffee or comments about the show? Call: 206-20-BEAN-1

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Gate 3 Work Club Closes

Five months ago, I was excited to see the opening of the Gate 3 Work Club in Emeryville, CA.

I completely believe in the principles;

  • people like to work from home – just not all the time
  • people like to work around others

I was skeptical that Herman Miller furnishings were necessary, and thought IKEA would be fine.

Well looks like February will be their last month open…due to funding issues.

I wish Neil Goldberg the best in the next iteration of the Work Club concept.

First Crack 26. What Makes a Good City – Sam & Dave Part 4

The fourth installment of my conversation with Minneapolis urban planners Sam Newberg and David Motzenbecker. In this episode, they discuss what makes a good city (Portland, Denver, Celebration, and Seaside) and how to make more of them, affordable housing, corruption in cities, and how to get stuff done.

Listen to Good Cities [25 min]

Got questions about coffee or comments about the show? Call: 206-20-BEAN-1

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First Crack 25. Weblogs and the Media with Jen Bohmbach

Photo-blogger and good friend Jen Bohmbach and I grab a cup of coffee at Dunn Bros’ Freighthouse. We talk about the weblogs, transparency, the media landscape, and an age where we are all paparazzi and stars. She offers her thoughts on

Listen to the Weblogs and the Media with Jen Bohmbach [33 min]

Got questions about coffee or comments about the show? Call: 206-20-BEAN-1

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First Crack 24. The Value of 1-Legged Barflys and Toothless Boxers – Sam & Dave Part 3

This is the second of many shorter excerpts from my extremely lengthy conversation with Minneapolis urban planners Sam Newberg and David Motzenbecker.

In this installment we discuss what you don’t find in new American developments.

Listen to the Value of 1-Legged Barflys and Toothless Boxers [3 min]

Got questions about coffee or comments about the show? Call: 206-20-BEAN-1

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First Crack 23. A Good Minneapolis Bar – Sam & Dave Part 2

This is the second of many shorter excerpts from my extremely lengthy conversation with Minneapolis urban planners Sam Newberg and David Motzenbecker.

In this installment we discuss what makes a good Minneapolis bar – no, windows aren’t on the list.

Listen to A Good Minneapolis Bar [3 min]

Got questions about coffee or comments about the show? Call: 206-20-BEAN-1

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