Stranger than Fiction: Best Movie by 13 Minutes

13 minutes in, I declared Stranger than Fiction the best movie I’ve seen in 2 years. A result of the crisp cinematography, the “Pop-up Video”-esque info-graphics, the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy-esque narration, a storyline in the vein of Being John Malcovich or Fight Club, and engaging performances by Will Ferrell, Maggie Gyllenhall, and Emma …

Amazon Unbox + Tivo vs. Netflix

Yesterday on a whim, I connected baby Tivo to Amazon’s Unbox service…the things I’ll do for $15. Unlike Tim, I haven’t purchased or rented anything, yet. While the prices are competitive (and more convenient) than purchasing DVDs it isn’t that competitive against our Netflix subscription ($15/month/rental vs. $18/month ). I see Amazon + Tivo perfect …