Starbucks – Community Building in Small Communities

I’ve talked about the value of places like Starbucks in places like…Wausau…before. That was from a city-mouse in the smaller city perspective. Now that I’ve been in Wausau for a few days – popping to Starbucks for internet access – not coffee. I’m aghast. The place is packed. Filled with an amazing cross-section of the …

Offshoring the Military

“The armed forces, already struggling to meet recruiting goals, are considering expanding the number of noncitizens in the ranks — including disputed proposals to open recruiting stations overseas and putting more immigrants on a faster track to US citizenship if they volunteer…” – Bryan Bender, Boston Globe

Political News: Tomorrow Started Yesterday

The 2007 political races have already begun: John Edwards announces his candidacy for POTUS on YouTube. Meanwhile, on the opposite side of politics, my dad announced he’s running for 3rd Ward Alderman up northern Wisconsin over a phone call with me. While the former was hinted at and could have been guessed. The latter came …

The Widing Space Between News and Paper

Earlier this year – for about 3 months – McClatchy owned both the St. Paul Pioneer Press and the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Now…they own neither. After selling the PP to MediaNewsGroup in August, the Strib is now owned by a holding company with stakes in the Weekly Reader, yearbook publisher Jostens, and real estate marketing …

Three Wise Men on Authenticity

It’s not the ancient gift of perfumes and spices, just some good thinking on being yourself: “[Pro sports marketing] puts athletes on pedastals . Exactly where they shouldn’t be….The beauty of Happy Gilmore and big personalities is that you don’t have to create commercials to promote them.” – Mark Cuban “By adopting a term that …

Aggregate Trust, Filter Relevance

“I want to subscribe to other people who I can trust, and also, who I can dial down a little” – Eric Rice I like and trust Eric Rice…though I’m not as psyched about Second Life as he is. Same with Mark Cuban and basketball. Same with Doc Searls and photography. Same with Dave Slusher …