Tivo HD vs Apple iTV

Jen and I talked about Baby Tivo recently. It’s a paltry 40gig, single-tuner. But, sans-cable, it serves us well. Today, Apple announced their iTV, shipping sometime next year. Priced at $300, plays HD video, HDMI ports, wifi, Front Row (or something like it), everything you’d expect (maybe a DVD drive?). Then later today, I received …

I’ve Never Been to New York or New Orleans

Last year’s Katrina disaster in New Orleans is a far more important event in our nation’s history than today’s date. Katrina told us we’re unprepared for predictable, frequent, and common events. That’s bad. Nothing wrong with being unprepared for rare and spectacular events. “In many ways, the success of 9/11 was an anomaly; there were …

A Million Pieces & LonelyGirl15 – Reality is Irrelevant

2 From the ‘So What?’ Department: LonelyGirl15 isn’t a ‘real’ person, just an entertaining video project James Frey’s A Million Little Pieces not a ‘real’ memoir, get your money back To me, both of these are non-stories and stories with illiterate audiences. There’s no reason for readers or viewers to feel cheated if they were …

Lifehack: Put Empty Garbage Bags at the Bottom of the Garbage Can

It started with the Diaper Champ. After forgetting to replace the plastic garbage bag liner, dropping in a fresh, full diaper, and hearing a empty thud as it splats against the bottom of the bucket. After the third or fourth time of kicking myself for not replacing the bag, I put a few empty garbage …

Dan Kuykendall’s PodPress on Behind the Mic

A while back, Dan Kuykenall downloaded my WP-iPodCatter plugin, mixed in a Flash mp3 player, some other bits and released the PodPress plugin. He and Mike Geoghegan talk about the PodPress project in a recent Behind the Mic conversation. Dan’s plugin is full-featured. Capital F – Full. Though he’s nicely solved a couple small problems …