That Giant Buzzing Sound You Hear is Me-dia Filtering and Aggregating

Fellow local me-dia mogul Chuck Olsen got some nice press in the Sunday Strib this week. A nice write up, and I’m glad Chuck got the press – he deserves it. Afterwards though, I had the distinct feeling that the Strib, in their haste to cover every base, actually missed the interesting bits (that you …

Weblog, Podcast, Videoblog Workshop – March 25, 2006 at Acadia Cafe

If you’re interested in starting a weblog, podcast, or videoblog and don’t know where to start, come by the Acadia Cafe (1931 Nicollet Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403) on March 25th between 2-6pm. I’ll be there, with (hopefully) many other local bloggers, podcasters, and videobloggers to show you the ropes. Everyone leaves with more knowledge …

Bye Rex, Thanks for the Party

(Matt Thompson from the Strib and me in a MNstories video documenting the party.) I, along with 600 of Rex Sorgatz‘s closest friends wished him well in his move to Seattle and Microsoft last night. Honestly, I haven’t been to a blow out like that in quite a while. The food, the drink, the hundreds …

RocketBoom Ads Not Worth $15,000

I wasn’t surprised to hear RocketBoom is pursuing a sponsor (via eBay even), nor was I surprised they want to keep full creative control (they should). I was surprised that the high bid (as of this writing) of $15,099.99 hadn’t passed their hidden reserve. Now, I know you need 10x that for a decent music …

What if Your Customers Took Over Your Company’s Blog?

The Work Better Weblog is 2 years old this month. To celebrate, I’m starting an experiment in multi-author business blogs, community-building, and transparency – each Working Pathways client gets posting access. That’s right – if you’ve hired Working Pathways, you automatically receive a login and password to publish whatever you’d like to the Work Better …

Sorry About The Conversation Happening Without Me

On a happy note, this post means the migration to WordPress 2.0 is complete. On an apologetic note, I’d like to apologize to everyone who has left a comment that completely got lost in the overly aggressive spam filter. Scott McGerik, Dave, and anyone asking questions about the plugins – sorry for not responding. I …

It’s All About the Benjamins

David Newberger asks Doc Searls 10 questions about blogging. This bit resonated with me: “Now we have millions of Benjamin Franklins, each writing his or her own Poor Richard’s Almanac…This is disruptive to many institutions. But it is also empowering in countless ways.” – Doc Searls

Aggregation Not Adding Value?

Splogs or spam-blogs are a problem I’ve touched on before. I find them annoying and whenever Technorati points me to something smelling sploggy, I hit my SplogReporter bookmarklet. My criteria for splog: whole-cloth copying of another weblog’s post minimal or nonexistent attribution to the original authors and weblogs no explicit “we’re aggregating these sites” messaging …